Product - Logitech

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Logitech is acutely aware of the importance of integrating energy efficient design into our products.
Logitech has a continuous improvement approach to product energy efficiency and it is a driving factor in our product development activities.
This is demonstrated below by the continued reduction in energy consumption achieved on each product evolution compared to its

Keyboard Energy Consumption J/day Keyboards MK170, MK260,
K750, K750 MAC


With a surge in popularity of tablet products, Logitech was keen to develop products to complement this new market. People want to use their tablets for work or play while they are on the move, increasing the importance of integrating energy-efficient measures and extended battery life. Logitech has proven our dedication to consumers by developing tablet keyboards with solar rechargeable technology, tablet





keyboards with reduced power consumption and Bluetooth connected keyboards with lower power consumption compared to predecessor




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Getting started with Logitech® HD Webcam C615
Getting started with Logitech® HD Webcam C615
16/02/2012 -
Getting started with Logitech® HD Webcam C615 Logitech® HD Webcam C615 Contents English Deutsch Français Ceská verze Magyar Hrvatski Italiano Slovencina Srpski Slovenscina 3 15 27 39 51 63 75 87 99 111 www logitech com/support 123 2 Logitech® HD Webcam C615 2 1 3 4 Features 1. Microphone 2. Autofocus lens 3. Activity light 4. Flexible clip/base 5. Tripod attachment 6. USB extension cable 7. Logitech® Webcam Software, including Logitech VidTM HD for Windows® and Mac® 8. Product...

Getting started with Logitech® Fold-Up Keyboard
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Thank you! Merci! Gracias!
Thank you! Merci! Gracias!
16/02/2012 -
BRAND / LAUNCH: Logitech 2009 PROJECT TITLE: G35 Quick-start guide (Holyfield) DETAILS: AMR / QSG COLOR SPECIFICATIONS SPOT COLORS PMS 327 C DIE LINE COLOR (NO PRINT) DIE LINES PROCESS COLORS C 5 25 50 75 95 K 5 25 50 75 95 M 5 25 50 75 95 Y

????????????? - Logitech
????????????? - Logitech
05/12/2014 -
ùb€R l¹ Go  ù7m;RÕ m;RÕT z1ÿ ùb€R l¹ Go  m;RÕg•“ÿ2007/04/03-2007/06/14 m;RÕe¹_ÿùb€–û[PÿLogitech®ÿ e¼VÛgRymQú ùb€R l¹ Go ù7m;RÕÿ mˆŒ»€Qá e¼m;RÕg•“ÿ ŒüŒ·Nûùxk>Œüùb€u"TÁÿ Nùxk>u"TÁNK^ú‹pU.Pù…N NT,500ÿ Sꉁ hx¼RjN ÿ žÏŒ¼W(m;RÕVÞQýN ÿ SsSïR0c[š^—[¶cÛSÖSðpcN-W wól¹l¹yh 150 QC ÿN _5—b˜M 50 QC+N_5—b˜M 100 QCÿ ÿbm;RÕVÞQý[ÄVÞùb€–û[Pÿ N¦Sïsr_—SðpcN-W wól¹l¹yh...

Ultrathin - Logitech
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READ_ME_Logitech-Alert-Commander-ver3-0sp2.txt - Notepad
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