25 Most Important - Logitech

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Logitech s

Most Important Products

Logitech® P4 Mouse

(1982)  Logitech s first mouse, the P4 was one of the first commercially available mice. Designed for use with graphics and network workstations,
the P4 offered the combination of optical technology and mechanical tracking (opto-mechanical), and delivered greater tracking precision than did mechanical mice. Introduced at a price of 9 (U.S.), the P4 preceded the introduction of the graphical Macintosh® and Windows® operating systems, which would help the mouse become a symbol of the personal computer and one of the most often used devices in the world. The P4 also gave birth to the R4, the world s first intelligent  mouse, featuring an onboard microprocessor.

HP mouse

(1984)  For an OEM deal with HP, Logitech made a huge leap toward establishing a viable business of making mice. HP was the first partner for which Logitech manufactured its two-button opto-mechanical mouse  the company produced just a few thousand units a month. However, HP was the first of a list that would later include AT&T, Olivetti, DEC and Apple.

Logitech® C7 Mouse

(1985)  Sold for a breakthrough low price of in the U.S., the C7
quickly catapulted Logitech into the home market. Within three years of the
C7 s introduction, Logitech s business was equally split between OEM and retail, giving the company brand recognition among the growing number of home personal computer users and providing the increased revenue the company needed to go public. The C7 also offered technological breakthroughs: It drew its power from the personal computer s RS232
serial interface, eliminating the need for an external power supply.

ScanMan 32

(1988)  Logitech s handheld scanner was the company s first imaging product, a step beyond the company s core mouse business. ScanMan 32
recorded images in black and white, but the product line evolved to include handheld color scanners, and eventually flatbed scanners. Logitech eventually left the scanner business but would later apply its imaging expertise to its highly successful webcam business.

Logitech S9 Mouse

(1989)  Further strengthening Logitech s brand identity, the S9 was
Logitech s first mouse to include the company s now well-known consumer logo, designed by creative consultancy Frog Design. The mouse s industrial design was also a departure from the boxy shape of previous

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Group Datasheet
Group Datasheet
26/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
F?R GROSSE R?UME UND NOCH GR?SSERE IDEEN Logitech GROUP GROUP, das erstaunlich erschwingliche Videokonferenzsystem f?r mittelgro?e bis gro?e Konferenzr?ume, macht aus jedem Versammlungsort einen Ort f?r Zusammenarbeit per Video. Gestochen scharfe Videobilder und die optisch ansprechende Full-Duplex-Freisprecheinrichtung erm?glichen herausragende Konferenzen. Dank Plug&Play-Konnektivit?t ?ber USB kann GROUP im Handumdrehen installiert und verwendet werden. Es funktioniert in Ihrer vertrauten Computerumgebung...

13/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
DATA SHEET LOGITECH TAP Deliver one-touch join, calendar integration, instant content sharing, and a consistent experience across meeting rooms. With a sleek design, silent operation, and motion sensor for always-on readiness, Tap brings ease and convenience to video collaboration. MEETING ROOM TOUCH CONTROLLER FOR VIDEO CONFERENCING ROOM SOLUTIONS More than just a meeting room touch controller, Logitech Tap is what helps you achieve a consistent user experience across your entire deployment. Boasting...

Headset Portfolio
Headset Portfolio
12/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
Casques professionnels Logitech - filaires Le travail hybride n?cessite des solutions con?ues pour tous les types d'utilisateurs et d'environnements de travail. Quels que soient votre style ou vos pr?f?rences en mati?re de connectivit?, la gamme de casques professionnels Logitech comprend un dispositif adapt? ? votre mani?re de travailler. Les casques et ?couteurs Logitech sont con?us pour fonctionner de mani?re transparente avec les principales plateformes de visioconf?rence. Ils vous offrent ainsi...

Using your Bluetooth headset with the Logitech wireless hub
Using your Bluetooth headset with the Logitech wireless hub
05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
Using your Bluetooth headset with the Logitech wireless hub © 2005 Logitech, Inc. Using your Bluetooth headset with the Logitech wireless hub Contents Before you start 3 Connecting your Logitech headset 3 Making sure that your device is connected 5 Communicate without wires 6 Voice chatting with your instant messenger 6 Troubleshooting 10 This manual is published by Logitech. Logitech assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Information contained herein is subject...

C505e Datasheet
C505e Datasheet
13/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
FICHE TECHNIQUE WEBCAM HD C505E Passez au niveau sup?rieur apr?s avoir utilis? l'optique int?gr?e ? votre ordinateur gr?ce ? la webcam professionnelle Logitech? C505e offrant une vid?o HD 720p grand angle nette, fluide et color?e ? un prix abordable qui vous facilitera la vie au bureau. La webcam C505e offre un champ de vision diagonal ? 60?, une mise au point fixe et une correction automatique de l'?clairage, qui ajuste l'illumination de la plupart des espaces. Un micro omnidirectionnel offre...

Logitech: A Culture of Design
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05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
Logitech: A Culture of Design A Backgrounder on Logitech s Award-Winning Industrial Design Process For 25 years, Logitech has been making personal peripherals that enhance the digital experience  and also reflect a sophisticated sense of style that accents desktops, living rooms, offices and mobile devices everywhere. Logitech s designs, and its industrial design process, have received accolades throughout the world. In 2005, Logitech products were honored with Japan s Good Design awards, red...

for life-like meetings at the desk - Logitech
for life-like meetings at the desk - Logitech
05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
Professional HD video for life-like meetings at the desk B910 HD Webcam The Logitech B910 HD Webcam enables face-to-face video collaboration right from the desktop. With HD 720p video quality, a 78-degree field of view and dual stereo microphones, video calls look and sound professional. An included privacy shade can also provide extra security when the camera is not in use. Features: " HD 720p video at up to 30 frames per second " True 16:9 widescreen with a 78-degree field of view " Dual...

3 1 4 i 2 i
3 1 4 i 2 i
16/02/2012 - www.logitech.com
2 1 USB ON English Logitech® Installation V400 Laser Cordless Mouse For Notebooks Souris laser sans fil V400 pour portable Español Français Mettez l ordinateur sous tension. Turn ON computer. ACTIVE el ordenador. Português English Plug receiver into computer's USB port. Ligue o computador. 3 Español Conecte el receptor al puerto USB del ordenador. Français Branchez le récepteur sur le port USB de l ordinateur. Português Ligue o receptor à porta USB do computador. 4 English...

SRW-9000 Datasheet (676.3 KB) - Sony
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16/02/2012 - www.sony.fr
HDCAM SR One-piece Camcorder. SRW-9000 HDCAM SR Camcorder www.sonybiz.net/hdcamsr Quality Meets Mobility, SRW-9000 HDCAM-SR Camcorder. SRW-9000 HDCAM-SR Camcorder Shooting Example of SR Motion The camcorder can create an intentional blur image in a quick motion. In 2000, Sony laid the groundwork for a new era of digital image-making in the motion picture industry with the introduction of its HDW-F900 ­ the first model in Sony's "24P-capable" CineAltaTM lineup. Since then, the HDW-F900 ­ and...

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SERVICE 5 I0100061 IPL, Royal 53 S, Royal 53 SE, 2001-03, 106 23 22-74 Royal 53S Royal 53SE Spare parts Ersatzteile Pièces détachées Reserve onderdelen Repuestos Reservdelar 106 23 22-74 513 95 32-00 513 95 31-00 513 06 81-01 514 92 75-00 513 06 81-00 514 64 76-00 514 99 73-00 514 99 66-68 512 79 14-68 531 00 75-56 531 00 75-83 Intek Engine Correction: 514 99 66-82 514 90 66-82 512 79 14-82 512 80 46-02 514 71 80-00 514 02 66-00 516 87 73-09 531 00 75-57 516 62 71-01 725 23 78-51 ...

Télécharger cet article en PDF - Kyocera
Télécharger cet article en PDF - Kyocera
04/08/2017 - www.kyocera.fr
INFO PRESSE Gif-sur-Yvette, le 27 février 2017 LA DERNIERE GÉNÉRATION D IMPRIMANTES ET DE MULTIFONCTIONS A4 DE KYOCERA REMPORTE LE PRIX « IF DESIGN AWARD 2017 ». Gif sur Yvette, le 27 février 2017 : KYOCERA Document Solutions, l'un des principaux acteurs en matière de solutions documentaires, annonce que ses nouveaux multifonctions A4 et imprimantes, les ECOSYS M5526cdw, ECOSYS P5026cdw, ECOSYS M2640idw et ECOSYS P2040dw, ont remporté le prix « IF Design Award 2017 ». Après avoir reçu...

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SCHEDA PRODOTTO I porte e dal posizionamento dell'apparecchio. L'impostazione della temperatura deve tenere conto di questi fattori. - Gli accessori dell'apparecchio non sono adatti al lavaggio in lavastoviglie. AVVIAMENTO DELL'APPARECCHIO Montare i distanziali (se in dotazione) sulla parte superiore del condensatore posto sulla parte posteriore dell'apparecchio. Il funzionamento si avvia in modo automatico, una volta collegato l'apparecchio alla rete di alimentazione. Dopo aver avviato l'apparecchio,...

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Lire cette notice avant utilisation PRODUITS DE NETTOYAGE POUR CAFETIERES AUTOMATIQUES Ref. : 00311769 Mode d'emploi : Veiller a respecter les consignes de nettoyage de la notice d'utilisation de l'appareil ! Les pastilles n'ont aucune action detartrante. Utilisation dans les distributeurs avec programme de nettoyage : Suivre le mode d'emploi fourni par le constructeur.. Utilisation dans les distributeurs avec tiroir pour cafe moulu: Mettre une pastille dans le 2 eme compartiment du cafe moulu...