24HourFlex - Logitech

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Case Study:

Remote employees can interact face-to-face with Logitech ConferenceCam and webcams
Productivity, Communications and Collaboration are enhanced thanks to Logitech

Company Size
30 employees
Greenwood Village, Colorado
24HourFlex, an employee benefit solutions provider,
has been focused on meeting clients  needs for more than 25 years. Specializing in employee benefit administration including flexible spending accounts,
health reimbursement accounts, retiree billing, and health saving accounts, the
24HourFlex team strives to set the standard for professional,
accurate, and timely service,
working together to provide the most advanced employee benefit solutions available.

24HourFlex, an employee benefit solutions provider, has been focused on meeting clients  needs for more than 25 years. Specializing in employee benefit administration including flexible spending accounts, health reimbursement accounts, retiree billing, and health saving accounts, the
24HourFlex team strives to set the standard for professional, accurate,
and timely service, working together to provide the most advanced employee benefit solutions available. With professionals located across the
United States and abroad, 24HourFlex encourages a cooperative working environment in which employees collaborate on daily basis. 24HourFlex uses
Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCams in the company s main conference rooms for flexible, small group collaboration with remote workers.
We wanted an effective way for our remote employees to interact face-toface with their teams, and high-end video conferencing solutions were out of reach,  said Jim Hayes, operations manager at 24HourFlex. Combining a full HD webcam with a high-quality speaker phone, the Logitech BCC950
ConferenceCam is an affordable communications tool that makes small group collaboration a real possibility.  24HourFlex employees also leverage the image and audio quality of the Logitech HD Pro Webcams for one-onone video conferencing from their desktops throughout the day.

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