User Guide (PDF) - Logitech

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Network Music System

User Guide english (north america)

Squeezebox!" Duet User Guide


About Squeezebox Duet............................................................................................................... 2
Getting Help............................................................................................................................ 2
Package Contents................................................................................................................... 3
System Requirements............................................................................................................ 3
Before You Begin............................................................................................................................. 4
Choose Your Network Setup................................................................................................ 4
Find Your Wireless Network Settings................................................................................. 4
Using Squeezebox Controller.............................................................................................. 5
Squeezebox Controller Interface........................................................................................ 6
Set Up the Hardware...................................................................................................................... 7
Charge the Battery................................................................................................................. 7
Connect Squeezebox Receiver............................................................................................ 8
Set Up A SqueezeNetwork!" Account......................................................................................... 9
Listen To You Own Music With No Computer................................................................... 9
Install SqueezeCenter (Optional)..............................................................................................10
Connect Squeezebox Duet......................................................................................................... 11
All-Wireless Network Configuration................................................................................. 11
Hybrid Network Configuration..........................................................................................13
Bridged Network Configuration........................................................................................16
The Squeezebox Controller Display.................................................................................18
Playing The Music.........................................................................................................................20
Random Mix...........................................................................................................................20
Browsing Your Library..........................................................................................................20
Clearing Now Playing .......................................................................................................22
Editing A Playlist Saved On Your Computer....................................................................22
Searching Your Music Library.............................................................................................22

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