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Case Study 006
Application: Transportation Company: Lelystad Airport / TMB / Astican Country: Netherlands / Spain / Spain

IP cameras drive up public security

The growing need to monitor and protect the public in all areas of transportation, from airports to train stations and coach parks has lead governments and local authorities to turn to technology for help. By using the very latest state-of-the-art security cameras, alongside intelligent software, transport locations can provide the public with a level of protection and security that installs confidence in their safety. Sony video and surveillance cameras are the very latest in innovation and technology for capturing clear, blur-free images and video.The networkbased video cameras can run on legacy or IP infrastructures and provide a powerful tool for maintaining public safety and well-being.The Sony software accompanying the surveillance cameras is easy to use and enables users to monitor, playback and record images at the highest resolution. The Sony technology enables authorities across the world to carefully monitor and check their transport systems to ensure all travelers have a safe and secure journey.

Lelystad Airport, Netherlands
Following its expansion to become a commercial airport, Lelystad Airport, located 60 KM northeast of Amsterdam, approached Sony to explore surveillance solutions to monitor remote buildings within the airport and the main passenger terminal. Sony worked closely with the airport to understand the needs of the surveillance system and was able to provide a comprehensive e-surveillance solution that included; image capture, content management and content delivery. IP monitors were installed to monitor all areas that cannot be seen from the control tower and the areas nearby the take-off and landing airstrip. The system means that the airport has lower security costs ­ needing fewer people to manage the system and if an incident should occur operators can instantly view the camera covering the area and therefore be more efficiently deployed. The Sony surveillance equipment runs on the Lelystad's existing IT infrastructure and is fully compatible with the airport's legacy systems, helping to further save costs and ease integration challenges.

TMB, Spain
Transports Metropolitan de Barcelona (TMB), the public company responsible for managing the bus network, metro line and other transport options in Barcelona, needed a modern security system to replace the analogue installation in its Horta bus depot. Sony worked closely with TMB and E-Solutions to install a security system bringing together SNC-RZ30P digital, IP network cameras and RealShot Manager. This combination of technology means that the cameras can be both fixed in specific positions and also tour the premises to make wider checks. The system is controlled by three PCs and images are recorded 24 hours a day to ensure round the clock protection for travelers. The system comprises mostly mobile SNC-RZ30P cameras, which are programmed to constantly tour the premises, while others are fixed in specific positions that can be modified from the control PC. "Digital systems have the advantage that they can make cameras smart," commented Victor Ribera, Head of Telecommunications Systems at TMB. Miguel Angel Fernández, Head of Mobile Material and Installations at the Horta Operations Centre, said: "The specifications required were extremely complicated. We are talking about mobile cameras, installed outdoors and in areas with varying degrees of lighting. The SNC-RZ30P is a highly versatile camera that provides all of these features, as well as a high-quality picture."

Astican, Spain
Astican is a ship building and repair company based in the Canary Islands. The firm was keen to ensure the safety of its employees, equipment and materials and to that end implemented a Sony intelligent video surveillance solution. The project was managed by Ralicom, an IT and telecommunications provider that specializes in network installation and software development and involved installing and supporting 20 IP cameras of three different models, throughout the premises, both inside and outside. This complex project had to cover a vast expanse of land in a hostile environment next to the sea and included 3,000 metres of fibre optic cable to connect the whole yard. The surveillance system has the ability to access data in real time, record it and monitor every corner of the large area covered by the shipyards. It also incorporates Intelligent Motion Detection, Intelligent Object Detection and anti-tampering functionality. The surveillance system has resulted in the firm responding more efficiently to any events, preventing false alarms and running on an IP network also ensured high picture quality and value for money over a more traditional video surveillance system. Juan Alberto Mirabal, Head of IT ay Astican, said: "Throughout the year the cameras have detected fires, operating accidents and even thefts, and the images recorded were very useful evidence for the police."

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