Global Anti-Piracy Snapshot - Nintendo Anti-Piracy

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Global Anti-Piracy Snapshot
Q2: April  June 2014

Positive Changes to Canada s Laws
Will Bolster Anti-Piracy Efforts
In May, the Government ratified two
Internet copyright treaties administered by the World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO), known as the WIPO INTERNET treaties. The treaties come into force in Canada in
August 2014 and bring into effect longdelayed copyright protection provisions. The treaties also establish international copyright standards and extend protection to literary, dramatic,
musical and artistic works.
Additionally, Canada s Notice and
Notice Regime will come into force in
January 2015. The new program legally requires Internet intermediaries, such as ISPs and website hosts, to notify subscribers when a copyright owner sends a notice of alleged infringement.
The reform has positive implications for Nintendo. Canada has been considered a safe haven  for piracy with little risk of legal ramifications.
The new provisions provide companies like Nintendo with better tools and an improved environment to pursue online infringers in Canada.

Piracy Awareness Exhibit Debuts in
Washington D.C.

The National Museum of Crime &
Punishment launched a new exhibit in
June called Counterfeit Crimes: Are You
Part of the Black Market? The museum partnered with the
International Anti-Counterfeiting
Coalition, National Intellectual
Property Rights Coordination Center,
and associations including the
Entertainment Software Association,
to raise awareness of counterfeiting and the harms associated with piracy.
ESA hosts a display addressing video game piracy featuring the mobile game app Save the Game, designed to

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