Sony NXCAM Product Workflows in Sony Vegas Pro

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Sony NXCAM Product Workflows

in Sony Vegas Pro9

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1 HXR-NX5E and the NXCAM Product Line .....................................................................1 Flexible Selection of Recording Media .........................................................................1 Dual Memory Card Slots.................................................................................................1 HYBRID Recording with the Sony HXR-FMU128..........................................................2 Flexible Recording Format Selection ............................................................................3 Recording Time ...............................................................................................................4 NXCAM Folder Structure and File Names.....................................................................4 WORKFLOW OVERVIEW............................................................................................................6 Using the Sony Content Management Utility................................................................6 Content Management Utility Overview...................................................................7 Transferring NXCAM Media to a Local HDD via the CMU ....................................8 Registering Existing NXCAM Media in the CMU ...................................................9 Archiving Original NXCAM Media................................................................................10 Archiving Example.................................................................................................10 Importing Clips From Archived Folders ..............................................................11 KEY WORKFLOW FEATURES IN VEGAS PRO 9 ...................................................................13 Supported NXCAM Recording Modes .........................................................................13 System Requirements ..................................................................................................13 Connections ..................................................................................................................13 Creating a Vegas Pro Project .......................................................................................14 Importing NXCAM Media Files .....................................................................................15 Method 1: Dragging to Vegas Software Bin ........................................................15 Method 2: Using Vegas Import Media ..................................................................16 Using Vegas Pro 9 Special Import Module ..........................................................17 Adding Clips to the Timeline........................................................................................18 PROJECT OUTPUT ...................................................................................................................19 Blu-ray Disc ...................................................................................................................20 High Quality Movie File.................................................................................................21 HDV Video Tape ............................................................................................................22 Output to an HD Recorder via HD-SDI ........................................................................22 NOTES........................................................................................................................................23

Sony NXCAM Workflows in Sony Vegas Pro 9

The HXR-NX5E is Sony's first NXCAM branded camcorder. This document explains how to edit video recorded by this camcorder using Sony Vegas Pro 9.

HXR-NX5E and the NXCAM Product Line
NXCAM is Sony's newest product line designed for professionals. NXCAM provides powerful features for professional video production, such as HD-SDI output, flexible media selection, and stunning AVCHD picture quality. The HXR-NX5E camcorder incorporates cutting-edge technologies, such as G Lens, an ExmorTM CMOS sensor, built-in GPS receiver, and a new Active SteadyShot® mode.

Flexible Selection of Recording Media
Various recording media are available in the HXR-NX5E:

Memory Stick PRO Duo (Mark2)TM media, Memory Stick PRO-HG DuoTM media,
Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo HXTM media*

SD/SDHC Memory Card** Flash Memory Unit (Sony HXR-FMU128)
*Compatible "Memory Stick" type: For AVCHD recording / Capacity: more than 1GB, for standard definition recording / Capacity: more than 512MB **Recommended Speed Class For AVCHD recording / Class 4 or higher, For standard definition recording / Class 2 or higher)

Dual Memory Card Slots
The HXR-NX5E has two memory card media slots for recording. Use of Sony's Memory Stick PRO DuoTM, and Memory Stick PRO Duo HGTM, are recommended media cards. The HXR-NX5E records to a single memory card slot at a time. With two memory cards installed, the camcorder provides continuous, seamless recording of long scenes, and maximises the utilisation of each card's storage capacity. As the card in Slot A reaches its capacity, recording is automatically switched to the card in Slot B. The card in Slot A may then be removed and replaced. When the card in Slot B fills to capacity, another seamless switch back to Slot A occurs. This unique dual slot configuration provides continuous recording without any breaks in content or time code. Prior to editing, clips that span one or more memory cards may be merged using the Sony Content Management Utility (CMU), a software accessory supplied with the camcorder.
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Sony NXCAM Workflows in Sony Vegas Pro 9

HYBRID Recording with the Sony HXR-FMU128
The Sony HXR-FMU128, an optional flash memory recording unit specially designed for the HXR-NX5E, mounts to the camcorder without the need for any external cabling. Built around a 128 GB solid state flash memory drive, the HXR-FMU128 offers significantly longer recording time than a single memory card. When the HXR-FMU128 is used in conjunction with memory cards, Sony's unique HYBRID recording capability is enabled, allowing a combination of HD and SD resolutions to be recorded simultaneously. The operator is free to choose which resolution is recorded on each media type, and may even set the camcorder to record to both media types simultaneously. There are many benefits to HYBRID recording, including:

Edit system ingest time for HD files stored on the HXR-FMU128 is typically faster than from memory cards.

HD files simultaneously recorded on memory cards provide a time and costeffective method of archiving.

SD files may be used for quick preview on a laptop or for SD deliverables, such as web-based movies.

NOTE: Recording SD simultaneously to both media types is not supported.
IMPORTANT: The filenames of corresponding HD and SD clips are different.

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Sony NXCAM Workflows in Sony Vegas Pro 9

Flexible Recording Format Selection

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