Canon Sustainability Report 2005

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Canon Sustainability Report 2005

For a prosperous world and sustainable society

To Our Readers
The Canon Sustainability Report 2005 is published to ensure accountability to
Canon stakeholders by informing them of the ways in which our global business activities are helping to achieve a sustainable society. The Sustainability Report also promotes constructive two-way communication with stakeholders, which directly leads to improvements in the various activities outlined within this report.
We endeavor to expand the contents of this report each year to reflect the needs of a broad range of stakeholders, and outline Canon s diverse activities in a systematic and clear manner.
Throughout the report (sP. 00)  indicates pages with additional reference material.
This report is available in Japanese and English.
"Features of the Canon Sustainability Report 2005
The contents of the 2005 report have been improved and expanded in the following areas.
Editorial Policy:
WAreas covered by the Social Management  and Environmentally Conscious
Management  sections have been clarified.
WManagement and performance data sections, previously reported separately,
are now reported together.
Social Activities:
WCorporate governance and compliance information (sP. 23 28).
WInformation on social contributions of products (sP. 7 8, 31 34), etc.
Environmental Activities:
WVision for 2010: Factor 2 progress report (sP. 14).
WGlobal warming countermeasures (sP. 17 18, 53), etc.


Canon Sustainability Report 2005

"Reporting Scope
In principle, this report covers Canon s economic, social, and environmental activities within the consolidated accounting scope for the 2004 fiscal year (January 1,
2004 to December 31, 2004). The scope, however, of environmental assurance activities is not limited just to Canon s development, production and sales operations, but covers business activities at every stage of the life cycle, including manufacturing by suppliers and product usage by customers (sP. 13). Please see P.
65 for a list of operational sites covered by this report. Also, please note that supplemental information on important targets and initiatives prior to 2003 and beyond fiscal 2005 are also referenced in the report, and any information limited to certain regions or organizations is indicated as such.
"Third-Party Opinions
Since 2002, Canon has asked SustainAbility Ltd. to consult on and assist with arrangements for third-party opinions to improve the objectivity of our
Sustainability Report. Included in this year s report are unedited views received from two environment and social science experts, each with a different perspective, so that readers may develop an opinion of Canon and its activities based on a comprehensive compilation of information (sP. 67 68).
"Reference Guidelines
WGRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (2002)
WEnvironmental Reporting Guidelines (2003 version) from Japan s Ministry of

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