Canon Sustainability Report 2007

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Canon Sustainability Report 2007


For a Prosperous World and Sustainable S ociet y
To Our Readers
The Canon Sustainability Report is published annually to ensure accountability to Canon stakeholders by informing them of how our global business activities are helping to bring about a sustainable society. The report is also intended to promote two-way communication with stakeholders for the sake of further improving these activities.
The report has been structured to reûect the needs of a broad range of stakeholders and to systematically summarize Canon s activities in a way that is easy to understand across a wide audience. It is available in both Japanese and English.
"  P00  indicates pages with additional reference material.
" The WEB  symbol shown below indicates that more detailed information is available on Canon s website (


Reporting Scope
In principle, this report covers Canon s economic, social and environmental activities within the scope of consolidated accounting for the 2006 ûscal year
(January 1 to December 31, 2006).
The scope of environmental activities is not limited just to Canon s on-site business activities (development, production and sales operations), but covers every stage of the lifecycle, including raw material and parts manufacturing by suppliers, as well as product usage by customers. (Details are provided in the
Mid-Term Environmental Goals on page 34.)
In addition, please see page 53 for a list of activities at operational sites covered in this report. Also, please note that supplemental information on important targets and initiatives prior to ûscal 2005 and beyond ûscal 2007 are also referenced


Canon Sustainability Report 2007

in this report. Any information limited to certain regions or organizations is indicated as such.

Third-Party Opinions
Since 2002, Canon has elicited third-party opinions with the help of SustainAbility Ltd. of the United Kingdom in order to improve the objectivity of this report.
Included in this year s report are opinions received from two expert groups, each with a diûerent perspective, so that readers may develop an opinion of Canon and its activities based on comprehensive information. P69

Reference Guidelines
" GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
" Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2003 version) from Japan s Ministry of the
" Environmental Accounting Guidelines (2005 version) from Japan s Ministry of the Environment

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