iPod nano (2nd Gen) Dock (Manual) - Support - Apple

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

iPod nano

Using the iPod nano Dock
Congratulations on purchasing your iPod nano
Dock  it holds iPod nano upright as it charges,
loads music and photos, and plays music.
Use the cable included with your iPod nano to connect the Dock to your computer or to an optional iPod Power Adapter. Then put iPod nano in the Dock.
Important: This Dock is compatible only with iPod nano (Second Generation).



iPod nano Dock at a Glance iPod connector

Line out port

Dock connector port

Dock connector port
Connect the Dock to your computer or an optional iPod Power Adapter using the cable included with your iPod nano.
iPod connector
Place iPod nano in the Dock to charge the battery,
transfer songs and photos, and listen to music.
Line out port
Connect speakers or your home stereo using an audio cable with a standard 3.5 millimeter stereo miniplug.



Playing Music Through External
Speakers or a Stereo
Using the iPod nano Dock, you can play music from iPod nano over externally powered speakers or a home stereo. You need an audio cable with a standard 3.5 millimeter stereo miniplug that s used by most external speakers.
To use your iPod nano with the Dock to play

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