1 Installing the Card in a Power Macintosh 4400 or ... - Support

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Installing the Card in a Power Macintosh 4400 or 7220

This chapter describes how to install the PC Compatibility Card hardware in a Power Macintosh 4400 computer or a Power Macintosh 7220, available in some countries.
IMPORTANT If you will be installing a PC Serial and Parallel Card with your
PC Compatibility Card, it s easiest to install both cards at the same time. The
PC Serial and Parallel Card has standard PC ports that allow you to use several kinds of PC-compatible peripherals from the Windows or DOS
environment (not from the Mac OS environment). Instructions in this chapter indicate when to see your PC Serial and Parallel Card manual for installation information.

After you install the PC Compatibility hardware, go to Chapter 5,
Connecting Monitors and Other Equipment.  If you want to install additional memory in your card, go to Appendix B, Adding Memory to Your
PC Compatibility Card.  Then turn to Chapters 6 through 9 to learn more about installing and using PC software.

WARNING Shipping your computer with a PC Compatibility Card

installed may cause damage to the card. Your PC Compatibility Card should be shipped separately. (See Appendix A for instructions on how to remove the card.)


What you need
Before beginning the installation process, make sure you have all the necessary parts: the PC Compatibility Card, the audio cables, the card extension bracket and screw, and the loopback cable. You ll also need a
Phillips screwdriver.

PC Compatibility Card

Audio cable for
SCSI CD-ROM drives

Audio cable for

You ll only need one of the cables with this plug.

Card extension bracket and screw

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