Apple Keyboard (aluminum, wired) User Guide ... - Support

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Apple Keyboard


Getting Started with Your Apple Keyboard
Congratulations on purchasing the Apple Keyboard! Use this booklet to quickly set up and start using your new keyboard.
To use your keyboard and take advantage of the full range of features, you need
Mac OS X v10.4.10 or later installed on your Mac.

Setting Up Your Keyboard
To set up your keyboard, plug the USB cable from your keyboard into an available USB
port on your Mac, update your system software to Mac OS X v10.4.10 or later, and install the Apple Keyboard Software.
To check for updated system software:
1 Choose Apple (øÿ) > Software Update from the menu bar.
2 Follow the onscreen instructions.
To install the Apple Keyboard Software:
1 Go to and download the
Apple Keyboard Software.
2 Double-click the AppleKeyboardSoftware icon.
3 Follow the onscreen instructions.



Using Your Keyboard
Use the keys at the top of your keyboard to adjust the brightness of your display, open
Exposé, view Dashboard widgets, control volume, and more.

Decrease (

) or increase (

) the brightness of your display.

Use Exposé All Windows to see all of the open windows on your desktop at once.
Open Dashboard to access your widgets and get information on the weather,
stocks, and more.


Rewind or go to the previous song, movie, or slideshow.

Play or pause songs, movies, or slideshows.

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