Xserve G5 Using Xserve Remote Diagnostics - Support

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LL1608.book Page 1 Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:44 AM

Xserve G5
Using Xserve
Remote Diagnostics
Includes instructions for using the remote diagnostics tool

LL1608.book Page 2 Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:44 AM


Using Xserve Remote
Diagnostics Software

You can use the Xserve Remote Diagnostics tool to test your server s hardware.
The Xserve G5 system s diagnostic tool, Xserve Remote Diagnostics, performs several tests of the server hardware and creates a test report. You use a remote admin computer to control the diagnostic tool and to run the tests on an Xserve G5 system.
Xserve Remote Diagnostics has a standard set of quick tests (the default set) and a more extensive long set of tests. In addition, you can use a copy of the test files as a template and modify those files to customize tests. See Creating a Custom Set of
Diagnostic Tests  on page 6 for more information.

Overview of Using Xserve Remote Diagnostics
To run the diagnostics tool, you need the following resources:
" An Xserve G5 system on which to perform the tests; the server must be running
Mac OS X Server v10.3 or a later version. (If the server is not able to run Mac OS X, see
Example 2: Using Diagnostics on a Server That Is in an Unknown State  on page 5
for instructions.)
" A remote admin computer (or server) running Mac OS X 10.3 or later that is on the same subnet as the server to be tested
" A working NetBoot environment (a server running Mac OS X Server 10.3.2 or a later version, and configured for NetBoot, with DHCP running)
Note: The remote admin computer and the NetBoot server can be the same system. If the NetBoot server is also the remote admin computer, you must set up the server s boot volume as a NetBoot environment before installing Xserve Remote Diagnostics.
See Preparing the NetBoot Server  on page 4 for more information.
The procedure for using the diagnostic tool has the following steps. Each step is explained later in this document.


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Step 1: Download and install the software
See Installing Xserve Remote Diagnostics  on page 3 for details.
Step 2: Set up the NetBoot server by designating the ports and volumes to use

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