Xserve (Early 2008) DIY Procedure for Rear ID Tab - Support

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øÿ Xserve (Late 2006/Early 2008)

Rear ID Tab

Replacement Instructions

Follow the instructions in this document carefully. Failure to follow these instructions could damage your equipment and void its warranty.
Online instructions are available at http://www.apple.com/support/diy/.

Working Safely Inside the Xserve
Always touch the Xserve enclosure to discharge static electricity before you touch any components inside the Xserve. To avoid generating static electricity, do not walk around the room until you have finished working inside the server and have replaced the cover. To minimize the possibility of damage due to static discharge, wear an antistatic wrist strap while you work inside the Xserve.
Warning: Always shut down the Xserve and disconnect the power cords before opening it to avoid damaging its internal components or the components you are installing. Don t open the server while it is turned on. Even after you shut down the Xserve, its internal components can be very hot. Let it cool before you open it.

Tools Required
The following tools are required for this procedure:
" Phillips #1 screwdriver
" Antistatic wrist strap (if available)
" 2 thermal grease syringes for replacing processor heat sinks (supplied with the replacement part)
" 2 alcohol wipes for cleaning processors and heat sinks (supplied with the replacement part)

073-1112 Rev. B

Removing the Xserve from a Rack

Alert users that the server will be unavailable for a period of time.

2. Shut down the Xserve (see the Xserve User s Guide for help) and then wait to let the Xserve internal components cool.
Warning: Always shut down the Xserve before opening it to avoid damaging its internal components or the components you want to install or remove. Don t open the Xserve or try to install or remove items inside while it is turned on. Even after you shut down the Xserve, its internal components can be very hot. Let it cool down for 5 to 10 minutes before you open it.
3. Unplug all cables from the Xserve.
Note: If you have trouble releasing a cable from the back panel, try using a small screwdriver or other flat tool to depress the tab on the cable connector.
4. To avoid inadvertently unlatching a drive module during handling, use the enclosure key to lock the enclosure lock on the front panel.
5. Touch the server s metal case to discharge any static electricity.
6. Loosen the thumbscrews at both ends of the front panel.

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