New Features Update - Support - Apple

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

New Features Update
Includes important information about new options for Power Macintosh G3 minitower and desktop computers

About Your Power Macintosh G3 Computer
Congratulations on purchasing your Macintosh computer. This update addresses the new optional features and components that have become available for Power Macintosh G3
computers since the original manual was printed. It also includes information about features and components that may have been added to your computer as part of Apple Computer s
Build-To-Order program.
About New Options for Power Macintosh G3 Computers

Not all of the options covered in this update are available for all models of Power Macintosh G3
computers. In addition, certain options are only available in speciûc regions or online through
The Apple Store. For more information about features and components available for the Power
Macintosh G3, see the Apple Web site at
Where to Find Information About Your Computer

m For general information about your Power Macintosh computer, such as setup instructions,
connecting equipment, and installing additional memory, see the manual, Setting Up Your
Power Macintosh.
m For general speciûcations of your Power Macintosh, see the Power Macintosh G3 Technical
Information booklet.
m If the feature or component that you want to ûnd out about is not covered in the setup manual or Technical Information booklet, look in this update.
m If you still cannot ûnd the information, look on the Internet. Try the following two sites:
m Apple Tech Info Library at
m The Apple Store at
Important Information About Software

In most cases, all of the software needed to support your Power Macintosh computer has already been installed for you. However, the software to support certain hardware components  such as additional storage devices or PCI expansion cards ordered as part of
Apple s Build-To-Order program  may need to be installed.
This software is provided on one or more CDs that came with your computer. This additional software is not included on your Power Macintosh G3 CD. Follow the instructions provided with the CDs to install any necessary software.


10/100Base-T Network Connection
If your computer came with the 10/100Base-T Ethernet option, a 10/100Base-T Ethernet card is installed in one of your computer s PCI slots. You can connect a cable for a 10Base-T or a
100Base-T Ethernet network to this card.

10/100Base-T Ethernet port (RJ-45)

Note: The type of twisted-pair cable you use depends on whether you connect to 10Base-T or
100Base-T Ethernet. Category 5 twisted-pair cable must be used to connect to 100Base-T if you

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