Compressor 3 Batch Monitor User Manual - Apple

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Batch Monitor User Manual
You can use the Batch Monitor to view or adjust the status of batches and jobs processed by Compressor or
Apple Qmaster. You can also use the Batch Monitor to view detailed history for recently completed batches and jobs.
You use the Batch Monitor to monitor the transcoding progress of batches and jobs.
You can pause, resume, cancel, and get the status for any submitted batch and/or any individual job, target, or target segment.
Just as Printer Setup Utility allows you to view print jobs submitted to a printer, the
Batch Monitor lets you view the status of batches submitted for processing. For example, the Batch Monitor displays each batch s name, details of where it originated,
the percentage of completion, and the estimated time before completion. Batches not yet running appear as pending. Each batch, job, target, and target segment includes status information and a progress bar, as well as buttons you can use to pause, resume,
cancel, and get the status of a transcode that is currently in progress.
This document covers the following:
 About the Batch Monitor (p. 2)
 Viewing or Changing the Status of a Submitted Batch (p. 5)
 Batch Monitor and Distributed Processing (p. 7)
 Setting Batch Monitor Preferences (p. 8)


About the Batch Monitor
The Batch Monitor contains the following items:
Toolbar buttons

User buttons

Status buttons

Cluster list

Batch display

 Batch display: Hierarchical display of batch, job, target, and segment information for current and completed batches. Also includes controls to pause, resume, cancel, and get status for any individual batch, job, target, or segment.
 Toolbar: Use the Toolbar to adjust the display of items you are monitoring. See
Toolbar Buttons,  below, for details.
 Cluster list: Displays a list computers available for processing batches, including This
Computer  (the one running Batch Monitor) and all enabled Apple Qmaster processing clusters on your network. Select any cluster in the list to monitor its activity.
 User buttons: Click the Me button to display batches you submitted. Click All to display all batches for the selected cluster. (See the Distributed Processing Setup guide for information about permissions and password protection.)
 Status buttons: Click the Active button to display batches that the selected cluster is currently processing. Click Completed to display batches that the selected cluster has already completed. Click All to display all batches for the selected cluster.

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