New Features in Motion 2 (Manual) - Support - Apple

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New Features in Motion 2
This document explains the new features and enhancements released in Motion 2.

Float Bit Depth Support
Motion now supports the following project bit depths:
 8-Bit (8-bit integer)
 16-Bit Float
 32-Bit Float
All bit depths are GPU hardware accelerated.
Although Motion s float processing is handled by your system s GPU hardware for accelerated performance, working in float is very processor intensive. You can quickly change the preview of the project to 8-bit to speed your workflow by turning off
Preview for Float Bit Depth  in the View menu. The View pop-up menu is located in the upper-right corner of the Canvas (below the Timing icon).
Note: You can also choose View > Preview Float Bit Depth.
To change the bit depth of a project:
1 Choose Edit > Project Properties (or press Command+J ).


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2 In the Project Properties dialog, select a setting from the Bit Depth pop-up menu.

Bit Depth pop-up menu

For more information about bit depth, choose Help > Motion User Manual and see
About Bit Depth  in Chapter 2, Creating and Managing Projects. 

The Replicator
The Replicator is a powerful new tool that allows you to quickly and fluently build patterns of repeating elements, including video, still images, shapes, or other objects in a Motion project. The patterns are built on a shape that you select, such as a circle,
spiral, or rectangle. Once the Replicator shape is determined, you can modify and animate the parameters specific to that shape, such as the size of a circle or the amount of twist in a spiral s arms. You can also modify and animate the pattern s cell parameters.

The Replicator also has a special behavior called Sequence Replicator that allows you to sequence the replicator parameters over the pattern. This behavior is very similar to the
Sequence Text behavior in the Text Animation behavior subcategory.
For more information, choose Help > Motion User Manual and see Chapter 9, Using the Replicator. 


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