Installing Your Final Cut Studio 2 Software - Support - Apple

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Installing Your Software
The following information is intended to get you up and running as quickly as possible and covers these topics:
 About the Final Cut Studio Installation and Content Discs (p. 1)
 Upgrading Mac OS X and QuickTime (p. 3)
 Installing Final Cut Studio (p. 4)
 Installing Content (p. 9)
 Registering Final Cut Studio (p. 13)
 About Onscreen Help (p. 13)
 About Spotlight and Final Cut Studio Documentation (p. 14)
 Contacting AppleCare Support (p. 15)
Make sure to also review the Before You Install Final Cut Studio document on the
Final Cut Studio installation disc. For the latest information about Final Cut Studio,
go to the Final Cut Studio website at

About the Final Cut Studio Installation and Content Discs
Final Cut Studio 2 includes all of the installation and content discs required to install
Final Cut Pro 6, Color, Motion 3, Soundtrack Pro 2, Compressor 3, DVD Studio Pro 4.2,
Apple Qmaster 3, LiveType 2.1, and Cinema Tools 4. Also included with Final Cut Studio is an Apple Pro Training tutorial disc. Following is a description of each disc s contents.
Note: These discs contain the files required to install Final Cut Studio 2 on either
PowerPC-based or Intel-based Macintosh computers. The installation process is identical for both.


Final Cut Studio Installation Disc
This disc contains the files necessary to install Final Cut Pro, Color, Motion,
Soundtrack Pro, Compressor, DVD Studio Pro, Apple Qmaster, LiveType, and
Cinema Tools. It is the first disc you will use to install Final Cut Studio. It also contains the following files and folders:
 Before You Install Final Cut Studio: This document provides system requirements and things to do before you install the applications and content. Make sure to read this before installing Final Cut Studio.
 Install Final Cut Studio icon: Double-click this icon to begin the installation process.
 Documentation folder: This folder contains PDF documentation for all of the
Final Cut Studio applications. Many of the PDF documents contain an access page with links to additional documents and related Apple websites.
 Extras folder: This folder contains the following additional installers, applications,
and documentation:
 LiveType Extras: A folder that contains LiveFont samples and documentation for creating your own LiveFonts.
 EDL Access: A folder that contains documentation and the EDL Access application.
 Head Leaders for Cinema Tools: A folder that contains documentation, movies, and a project using leaders.
 DVX-100 Audio Sync Tool: A folder that contains documentation and the DVX-100
Audio Sync Tool.
 Apple Qmaster Nodes.mpkg: An installer for Apple Qmaster, which is an application you can use to configure a distributed encoding network. See the Distributed
Processing Setup link on the Compressor User Manual access page for information

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