Logic Express 7 Installation Manual - zZounds.com

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Installing Your Software

This booklet is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, and covers the following:

Package contents
Upgrading Mac OS X
Installing and authorizing Logic Express 7
Setting Up Logic Express 7
Contacting AppleCare Support

Important: Connect, and turn on, your audio equipment before installing
Logic Express 7. This will enable Logic Express 7 to automatically detect your audio system (see the Getting Started Guide for more information). Reduce the volume of your amplification system to ensure that no damage is done to your hearing (and speakers) during the installation process.


0342741-A.fm Page 2 Monday, October 4, 2004 4:03 PM

About the Contents of Your Logic Express 7 Package
Your Logic Express 7 package contains software and documentation that will introduce you to the program.

The following DVDs contain software, documentation, and additional media.
" Logic Express 7 Installation DVD: This is your installation disc. Use this DVD to install all application software, plug-ins and their settings, audio loops and Onscreen Help files.
" Logic Express 7 Content DVD: This DVD contains tutorial and demo songs plus a bonus collection of instruments and settings.
Note: To make use of the demo and tutorial songs, simply copy the Demo Songs 
folder from the DVD onto your hard disk. You should not play back demo songs directly from the DVD, as this will not work well, or at all.

Printed Documentation
You will find the following printed material in your Logic Express 7 package:
" Logic 7 Getting Started Guide: This book is designed to quickly get you up and running with Logic Express 7. You will find descriptions of the most essential aspects of Logic s interface, commands and menus.

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