QuickTime Conferencing ISDN Kit - Support - Apple

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Congratulations on your purchase of the QuickTime Conferencing ISDN Kit.
You can use the equipment in your kit to exchange live video and sound, view and annotate content in a shared window, and transfer files with other users using the H.320 standard.
In addition to videoconferencing, you can use your kit to:
m Connect to the Internet over ISDN You can browse Web sites and download graphics and sound at very high speeds, as well as videoconference with other QuickTime Conferencing users. (To access the Internet, you must have an Internet Service Provider.)
m Connect to a local area network (LAN) over ISDN Using Apple Remote Access
2.0.1 or later, you can connect to any AppleTalk network and transfer data at very high speeds. (Apple Remote Access is not included in the
QuickTime Conferencing ISDN Kit. You can purchase it from an
Apple-authorized dealer.)
m Share your desktop while videoconferencing Using Timbuktu Pro version 2.0 or later (from Farallon), you can share your desktop with other Timbuktu Pro users and observe or control their computers. (A total of 24 MB of random-access memory [RAM] is required to use Timbuktu Pro with
QuickTime Conferencing.)
IMPORTANT For information on how to configure your QuickTime

Conferencing ISDN Kit to access the Internet, see the electronic manual
Connecting to the Internet (located on the QuickTime Conferencing CD).


What s in this booklet
This booklet contains information on how to m order an ISDN line m install the H.320 ISDN card in your computer m connect the handset and ISDN line to your computer m configure the ISDN Setup control panel
Additionally, you ll find a tips and reference section.
IMPORTANT For information on how to install the videoconferencing software,

see the online document Installing Y Software, located on the QuickTime our
Conferencing CD.
For onscreen instructions on using the QuickTime Conferencing software,
open the Apple Media Conference program and choose Apple Media
Conference Guide in the Guide (h) menu. The Guide is your resource for all information about using the Apple Media Conference software. For more information on using onscreen Guides, see the manual that came with your computer.
For additional information, consult the QuickTime Conferencing World Wide
Web site. The Web address is http://qtc.quicktime.apple.com.


What s in the QuickTime Conferencing ISDN Kit

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