Mac OS X? ???? ?? ??????. - Apple

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Çt ³ÄÐPºXÒ¸²” Mac OS XÇD Á$ÎXÕX®0 ÈÅÐ ¼´ÜÂÜ Ç}Å´Å| ÕX²” ÉÆ”Õ È¼ô¹| ȬõÕi²È²ä. Çt ³ÄÐPºXÒ¸¹| Ì8
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Mac OS XÅÐ ­Õ ÍÂà ȼô¹| Å»ÇÇD
ƹ| ´äÅ´, Apple Ultra Wide SCSI PCI Ît´Ü¬ Ç¥Ì)´ Power Macintosh G3(Beige) ÎôÔèÑ0¹| À¬Æ©
ÕX¬à Lj²äºt, Apple Software Update Æù À¬ÇtÒ¸ÅРLj²” Mac OS X SCSI Card Updater¹| À¬Æ©ÕXÅì
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Mac OS X Á$ÎX¹| ÂÜÇ‘ÕX¸$ºt, Install Disc 1 CDÇX Install Mac OS X ÅDÇtÏXÇD ÇtÉ Ðt¹­ÕXÂíÂÜÆ$.

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Åì ÎôÔèÑ0¹| ǬÂܳÙÕ ²äÇL, Mac OS X Á$ÎX¹| ÂÜÇ‘Õ` Â³Ä Ljµ²È²ä.

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