iPod touch Guide de l'utilisateur - Support - Apple

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

iPod touch
Guide de l utilisateur
Pour le logiciel iOS 6.1 (Juin 2013)

Table des matières


Chapitre 1 : /Vue d ensemble de l iPod touch


Chapitre 2 : /Démarrage


Chapitre 3 : /Notions élémentaires


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iMac G5 - Support - Apple
iMac G5 - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 - manuals.info.apple.com
iMac G5 Ventilateur supérieur, modèle éducation Instructions de remplacement Suivez attentivement les instructions contenues dans cette fiche. Dans le cas contraire, vous prenez le risque d endommager votre équipement et d annuler sa garantie. Remarque : Des instructions sont disponibles en ligne à l adresse http://www.apple.com/support/doityourself/. Outils nécessaires " Utilisez l'outil fourni ; un tournevis cruciforme n° 2 ou Torx 8 en fonction du type de vis utilisées. " Un bac...

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0342741-A.fm Page 1 Monday, October 4, 2004 4:03 PM 1 Installing Your Software This booklet is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, and covers the following: " " " " " Package contents Upgrading Mac OS X Installing and authorizing Logic Express 7 Setting Up Logic Express 7 Contacting AppleCare Support Important: Connect, and turn on, your audio equipment before installing Logic Express 7. This will enable Logic Express 7 to automatically detect your audio system (see...

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øÿ iMac G5 Upper Fan, Education Unit Replacement Instructions Follow the instructions in this sheet carefully. Failure to follow these instructions could damage your equipment and void its warranty. Note: Online instructions are available at http://www.apple.com/support/doityourself/. Tools Required " Use the enclosed tool; Phillips #2 screwdriver or Torx-8 depending upon what type of screws are present. " Screw tray or something equivalent to hold the screws Part Location 034-3251 Rev....

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27/11/2014 - manuals.info.apple.com
iWork Manuale utente formule e funzioni KKApple Inc. © 2009 Apple Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. In base alle leggi sul copyright, il presente manuale non può essere copiato, interamente o in parte, senza il consenso scritto di Apple. I diritti dell'utente in merito al software sono regolati dal contratto di licenza software accluso. Il logo Apple è un marchio di Apple Inc., registrato negli Stati Uniti e in altri paesi. L'utilizzo del logo Apple tramite tastiera  (Opzione-G) per scopi commerciali, senza...

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Final Cut Pro 7 Exploring Final Cut Pro KKApple Inc. Copyright © 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Final Cut Studio software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid...

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FR TABLE DE CUISSON A GAZ ENCASTRABLE - CONSIGNES DE SECURITE IMPORTANTES Des messages importants de sécurité figurent dans ce manuel, ainsi que sur l'appareil. Nous vous invitons à les lire attentivement et à les respecter en toute circonstance. Ceci est le symbole d'avertissement relatif à la sécurité, qui met en garde les utilisateurs contre les risques potentiels que eux-mêmes ou d'autres personnes peuvent encourir. Tous les messages de sécurité sont précédés de ce symbole et...

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2011 Sustainability Report About This Report This is the fourth Sustainability Report issued by Samsung Electronics and is intended to communicate our sustainability efforts and performance to stakeholders. At Samsung Electronics, we firmly believe that we can deliver positive value by protecting the environment and improving the social conditions of the communities in which we operate while generating economic performance. Reporting Period This report covers the period from January 1 to December...

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