3 year Extended Warranty Service - Epson

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3 year Extended Warranty Service
To get EPSON CoverPlus services you need to register your purchase of an EPSON CoverPlus pack at www.epson.eu/warranty. To do this you will need the Authorisation number printed on sheet 1.
Registration involves you entering into a contract with Epson on the terms below. If these terms are not acceptable to you, you should return the EPSON CoverPlus pack you to the reseller you bought it from.
EPSON CoverPlus Terms of Contract

The service
EPSON CoverPlus extends the standard Epson Commercial Warranty offered with your EPSON
product to 3 years from the date the product this pack is being registered to was purchased new by its first user. The terms of the standard Commercial Warranty can be seen at www.epson.eu and in a leaflet enclosed with your EPSON product. It covers only the individual product whose serial number you have registered with Epson or replacement equipment provided by Epson under the warranty or CoverPlus service ( your product ).
The service provided under EPSON CoverPlus, and under the standard Commercial Warranty,
varies according to where your product is when service is requested. These variations are normally by country but some variations within countries may apply for remote or offshore locations. You can obtain information about the specific service delivery method in your country by phoning or emailing your local Epson helpdesk centre.
Duration of the Service
3 years Extended Warranty Service provides cover until three years after the date your product pack is being registered to was first purchased. (Note: It does not run for three years from the purchase of the EPSON CoverPlus pack nor for three years after the end of the standard
Commercial warranty)
Obtaining Services
To request repair or replacement of your product under this service, contact your local Epson helpdesk centre. More information can be obtained at www.epson.eu/warranty.
Repairs will ensure that your product provides satisfactory performance consistent with its age and usage. Replacement products may be refurbished units. If a replacement product is provided the unexpired term of the Extended Warranty service will be transferred to the replacement product.

Your Responsibilities
If the service provided includes working on your product while connected to any computing system or data storage equipment you must ensure, before you permit any work to begin, that you have backed up any records, information, files, operating or application software, data, or anything else on your system that could be affected if things go wrong to ensure that if anything is deleted from or corrupted within your system or equipment as a direct or indirect result of Epson providing the service, you have copies to replace them.
Epson only undertakes work under this agreement on this basis.
Limits to the Service
Service is provided only when your product fails to operate in accordance with its specification. It does not cover:
setting up the product on site or product support routine maintenance, cleaning or replacing consumables (e.g. ink cartridges, lamps) as described in the product s user manual calibration of other products which may be connected to or used with your product and
Epson does not accept responsibility for ensuring any particular performance when your

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