WM3550 - LG Electronics

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :



" 5.0 cu.ft. Ultra Capacity with NeveRust!"
Stainless Steel Drum (IEC)
" DirectDrive!" Motor for the Ultimate in Durability and Reliability
" 10 TilTub!" for Easy Reach into the Rear of the Drum
" 1300 RPM Powerful Spin for Efficient
Water Extraction
Intelligent Fabric Care
" 6Motion!" Technology
" ColdWash!" Technology
" TrueSteam!" Technology
" Allergiene!" Cycle
" SteamFresh!" Cycle
" TrueBalance!" Anti-Vibration System
" SenseClean!" System for Intelligent Fabric Care
" SmartDiagnosis!"
" Magnet Ventilation
" 12 Washing Programs and 5 Temperature Settings
" Sanitary Cycle with Added Steam Option
" Delay Wash up to 19 hours for Washing Convenience
Style and Design
" Upfront Electronic Control Panel with Dual LED
Display and Dial-A-Cycle!"
" Large Chrome Rimmed Glass Door with
Dark Blue Tinted Cover
Technology Benefits
" LoDecibel !" Quiet Operation
" Highly Energy and Water Efficient
NSF certifies the SANITARY course which is intended for reducing 99.9% of bacteria and other harmful microscopic organisms on laundry.

LG front load washers exceed Energy Star classifications by a minimum of 39%.

Graphite Steel

TrueSteam!" Technology


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