LA UNDRY - Datatail

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


DLE2101 DLG2102
Electric/Gas Dryers

"  L Capacity (7.3 cu.ft.)
"  ensor Dry System for Intelligent Fabric
Care and Energy Efficiency
"  Drying Programs
" 5 Temperature Levels
"  rinkle Care Option
" Delicates Cycle

Style and Design
"  pfront Electronic Control Panel
with Dial-A-Cycle!"
" Chrome Door with Glass
" Stackable with Matching Washer
" Optional Matching Drawer Pedestal

Technology Benefits
" LoDecibel!" Quiet Operation

LG offers highly stylized designs in the front load industry.
With laundry moving out of the basement and closer to the living areas, style has become an important element in the purchase process.
Available colors:


DLE2101 DLG2102
Electric/Gas Dryers

Electronic Control Panel with Dial-A-Cycle!"
Intuitive controls allow you to set it and go . You can also save your favorite dry cycle by pressing Custom
Program. You ll have optimized drying performance with the push of a button.

LoDecibel!" Quiet Operation

Les promotions

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