84WS70MS-B Spec Sheet - Troxell Communications Inc.

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


LED Widescreen
Ultra HD Display

ðê 84WS70MS-B
ðê 84WS70BS-B

84" class (84.04" measured diagonally)

84WS70MS-B shown
(84WS70BS-B supports landscape only)

REDUCED TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
The 84WS70MS-B and 84WS70BS-B display are Energy
Star® 5.1 compliant consuming approximately 40% less energy than noncompliant models. In standby mode, it uses less than one watt of power and meets the environmental regulations while excluding the use of harmful materials
(RoHS) and reducing CO2 emissions.
This aesthetically superior display has the bezel width of
27.9mm that offers an elegant but modern look that will work well with any decor.

Native Display Resolution 3840 x 2160 (Ultra HD)
500 cd/m2 (84WS70MS-B)
350 cd/m2 (84WS70BS-B)
Contrast Ratio 1,400:1 (Typ.), 500,000:1 (DCR)
178°/ 178° Ultra Wide Viewing Angle
Can be installed in Portrait or Landscape mode
RGB input/output (1)
DVI-D input/output (1)
HDMI input (2)
DisplayPort input (1)
Convenient External Speaker-Out
Smart Energy Saving
Bezel Width 27.9mm
Temperature Sensor
USB Playback
3-Year Limited Warranty Parts/Labor/Backlight



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