Zvooq Tizen - Samsung

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Zvooq for Tizen

Dream Industries

We create technology that empowers people to spread knowledge and culture.


Our products are Zvooq, Bookmate, Exchang.es,
Theory & Practice, Third Place and Telegraph


We are focused on the future of online media services. We collaborate with leading international media groups and directly with artists on solving a range of issues throughout the world. Our priorities are to empower people and make culture more accessible across the globe.


We are a music streaming service which immerses people in a music experience shaped by their connections to friends, artists and labels.


We target listeners in emerging economies and are currently licensed to operate in Russia and surrounding territories.


Zvooq s innovation is driven by mobile. The mobile device is the most used personal computer. It s the personal computer that s always with you.

Why Tizen?
" Being part of a revolution in the mobile landscape.
" Huge opportunity in terms of user acquisition and revenue growth.
" Great learning opportunity > possibility to be ahead of competitors when developing for a new platform with huge potential.

Les promotions

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