DISCLAIMERS | Samsung Series 6 H6500

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DISCLAIMERS | Samsung Series 6 H6500
* Actual screen size may vary by up to 2%.
~ Samsung LED TV's utilise LCD screens with LED edge lights.
1. Smart Hub 2014: Certain features require express consent for the collection and use of personal information. Some features may require additional accessories (sold separately). Certain features,
apps and services may not be available on all models and in all regions and are subject to change without notice. Internet connection required. Data, subscription or other charges may apply. Certain features are available only on free to air channels and/or require a Samsung Apps account.
2. Smart TV  On TV, Movies and TV: Internet connection required. Data, subscription or other charges may apply. Content may not be available in all regions and is subject to change without notice. Usage may be subject to third party service provider agreements.
3. Multimedia / Connect Share Transfer / USB: Certain types of USB support devices may not be compatible with TV depending on factors such as USB memory size and power supply.
4. Applications: Applications may need to be downloaded from Samsung Apps or Google Play.
Internet connection required. Data, subscription and other charges may apply. Usage may be subject to third party service provider agreements.
5. Skype: Skype requires in built camera or accessory TV camera, sold separately. Skype firmware updates required for face recognition.
6. Internet: Internet connection required. Data and subscription charges may apply.
7. Motion Control: Performance may vary depending on the language spoken, dialect, pronunciation and surrounding environment, including ambient noise. Internet connection required. Data,
subscription or other charges may apply. Smart Control is required to use Voice Control in all compatible Samsung Smart TV models.
8. Voice Control: Performance may vary based on surrounding environment. Motion Control requires in built camera or accessory TV camera, sold separately.
9. Content Sharing: To share content inside the home, other compatible DLNA products must be connected to the home network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable. Some products may require DLNA
software to be installed. To store content on the cloud, Content sharing may require separate registration with the third-party service provider. Internet connection required. Data and subscription charges may apply. Usage is subject to service provider agreements. Content Sharing with cloud storage feature is only available on selected compatible Samsung devices. Samsung takes copyright seriously. Samsung s features and applications are intended solely for private and domestic use. Any other use may be contrary to the law, including copyright law. Samsung does not authorise any use of its features and applications that infringe copyright or are otherwise contrary to law.
10. Copyright: Samsung takes copyright seriously. Only share content that you own or have the right to share.
11. Smart View: Smart View app available from Samsung Apps or Google Play. Certain functions may require firmware upgrades. Internet connection required to download app. Data, subscription or other charges may apply. Smart View app does not allow two different free to air channels to be viewed at once. Smart View allows you to view two difference sources, for instance free to air and
HDMI input. Compatible mobile device and Samsung Smart TV must be on same home Wi-Fi network or using Wi-Fi Direct.

DISCLAIMERS | Samsung Series 6 H6500
12. TV SoundConnect : TV SoundConnect is available with Samsung Soundbars and Multiroom
Speakers only, and is only compatible with 6400 series models and higher Bluetooth®-enabled
Samsung Smart TVs.
13. 3D: To view in 3D, a 3D TV and 3D glasses are required.
14. Soccer Mode: Feature works on free to air channels only. Highlights feature requires an external hard drive (sold separately). Performance may vary depending on broadcast quality, stadium noise

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