Modello 231 - Samsung

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo ex D. Lgs. 231/2001

Modello di Organizzazione Gestione e Controllo per la prevenzione dei reati di cui al D. Lgs. n. 231/2001
Samsung Electronics Italia S.p.A.

Versione 1.0


Marzo 2014

Modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo ex D. Lgs. 231/2001


FONTI NORMATIVE .......................................................................................................................................... 6

1. Definizioni .................................................................................................................................. 8

IL DECRETO LEGISLATIVO N. 231/2001 ........................................................................................................... 9

3. Categorie dei Reati Presupposto astrattamente rilevanti per la Samsung Electronics Italia
S.p.A. ........................................................................................................................................ 14
IL MODELLO DI ORGANIZZAZIONE, GESTIONE E CONTROLLO .......................................................................... 17
REQUISITI GENERALI .................................................................................................................................... 17
IDENTIFICAZIONE E VALUTAZIONE DEI RISCHI ................................................................................................. 20
DEFINIZIONE DEL MODELLO .......................................................................................................................... 20
AGGIORNAMENTO, MODIFICHE E INTEGRAZIONE DEL MODELLO ....................................................................... 21
L ORGANISMO DI VIGILANZA .......................................................................................................................... 21
2.1. FUNZIONI DELL ORGANISMO DI VIGILANZA ............................................................................................................... 24
2.2. INTERAZIONE DELL ORGANISMO DI VIGILANZA CON LE ALTRE FUNZIONI AZIENDALI .................................................... 25
2.3. SISTEMA DI REPORTISTICA DELL ORGANISMO DI VIGILANZA ...................................................................................... 26
LA FORMAZIONE DELLE RISORSE E LA DIFFUSIONE DEL MODELLO .................................................................. 27
3.1. FORMAZIONE ED INFORMAZIONE DEI DIPENDENTI ..................................................................................................... 27
3.2. INFORMAZIONE AI FORNITORI E AI COLLABORATORI ESTERNI .................................................................................... 28
IL SISTEMA SANZIONATORIO ......................................................................................................................... 28

Les promotions

21/11/2014 -
Investor Information SHARES Samsung Electronics shares are traded on the Korea Exchange under code 005930  for common stock and 005935  for p re f e r re d s t o c k . A s o f D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 7 , t h e re w e re 147,299,337 common and 22,833,427 preferred shares issued and outstanding. All shares have a par value of KRW5,000. Samsung global depository receipts are traded on the London Stock Exchange under the SMSN LI  ticker symbol for common shares and SMSD  symbol for preferred...

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imagine a monitor big enough to enhance your every move ...
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24" Widescreen Analog/Digital LCD Monitor " Sharp 1920 x 1200 resolution 245BW " Fast 5ms response time " 3,000:1 Dynamic Contrast ratio (1,000:1 typical) " 16:10 widescreen aspect ratio " 160°/160° horizontal/vertical viewing angles " Exclusive image-enhancing Magic technologies " Ergonomic height-adjustable stand imagine a monitor big enough to enhance your every move. The 24" Samsung 245BW combines the expanse of a 16:10 widescreen aspect ratio with a 3,000:1 Dynamic Contrast ratio,...

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Date : OCT 15 Page de l'article : p.32 Pays : France Périodicité : Mensuel Page 1/1 Terraillon s'associe au "Raid l'Arbre Vert Amazones" RAID Raid l'Arbre Vert Amazones à Bali La marque spécialiste du bien-être et de la santé connectée, annonce son partenariat avec le "Raid Aventure l'Arbre Vert Amazones 2015", qui a lieu du 6 au 16 octobre 2015, à Bali (Indonésie). Terraillon fournira des bracelets connectés "Activi-T Band" (photo) à la centaine d'équipes féminines participant à...

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* Aspirateur Classic Aspirateurs Compact C1 Classic C1 EcoLine (Elégance) " Rouge mangue " Brosse universelle SBD 350-3 " Poignée XXL " Variateur rotatif à 6 positions " Rayon d action: 9 m " 3 accessoires clipsés " Sac HyClean GN 4,5 L, Filtration AirClean (11 niveaux) " 4,3 kg - 46,3 x 27,9 x 21 cm " 800 W, B - E - D - B*, 78 dB(A) 179,99 ¬** + 0,50 ¬ éco-part.= 180,49 ¬*** Réf. 9827470 Compact C1 EcoLine (Elégance) " Rouge mangue " Brosse universelle SBD 350-3 " Variateur...