Fiche produit Sony : 97/1225983691797.pdf

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Our Environmental Responsibility Sony is determined to minimise the environmental impact of business on the planet. As a voluntary WWF Climate Saver Partner, we do everything we can to ensure our own operations from design and manufacture to packaging and distribution are as `eco friendly' as possible while helping others reduce their carbon emissions. · Product - We strive to design and produce environmentally responsible products with higher energy efficiency using as many recycled materials as possible


Everyone is responsible for reducing carbon emissions from individuals conserving energy at home to companies using more energy efficient processes and recycled materials. One of the most important developments in the fight against higher carbon emissions is the integration of videoconferencing into business. Airplanes, cars and other forms of transport are among the most serious carbon polluters and the less we use them, the better it will be for our planet. Sometimes, travelling to meetings is unavoidable but more and more, companies are being asked to consider whether all their business travel is essential. With today's advanced new technology, eco-friendly videoconferencing solutions really do offer business an alternative to face-to-face meetings. Even a small reduction in travel can make a big difference, preserving energy and lowering all-important carbon emissions. Recent research by the WWF conducted among 100 of the top 350 FTSE companies* in the UK shows growing support among CEOs and senior management for videoconferencing: · 85% of companies believe that videoconferencing has the potential to reduce their business flying · 89% of companies believe that videoconferencing can improve their productivity · 89% of companies surveyed expect they will want to fly less over the next 10 years Now let's see just how much smaller you can make your carbon emissions by switching to videoconferencing.
* Source: WWF `Travelling Light', May 2008

· Process - Over 87% of our factory waste is reused and with our latest renewable energy schemes and recycling strategies, that figure is set to increase · Planet - By recovering and reusing materials, cutting waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we really are minimising the impact of our business on the planet Cut Your Carbon There's a lot of talk these days about carbon emissions and carbon footprints but what these terms really refer to is carbon dioxide or CO2. This compound of carbon and oxygen is one of the main `greenhouse gases' that blanket and insulate the planet from extremes in temperature. But since the industrial revolution, temperatures have been rising as more and more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Carbon emissions have swelled in recent years, increasing the size of the blanket of gases that surround the Earth. The effect of this has been a dramatic increase in global warming which manifests itself in longer heatwaves, more flooding and less winter snow.

It's easy to calculate your CO² emissions while travelling. Simply multiply your journey distance in miles/kilometres by 0.5/0.31 when driving or 0.6/0.37 when flying to calculate how many pounds of CO² emissions you are creating based on general assumptions.



Carbon Footprint Calculator Car
Route London to Manchester Manchester to Southampton Southampton to London Traveling Distance 198 miles 223 miles 82 miles CO2 Emmisions 99 pounds of CO2 111.5 pounds of CO2 41 pounds of CO2

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Whether you're travelling by car, plane, train or bus, you'll be contributing to the ever-critical problem of excessive CO2 emissions. Cutting out unnecessary travel in business by switching to videoconferencing creates an immediate benefit for the environment. Car · Avoiding a single round trip from London to Manchester to Southampton and back to London saves over 250 pounds of carbon emissions Calculations based on driving a 5 door Volkswagen Golf 1.4 at 40 miles per gallon (MPG) with one gallon of gas producing 20 pounds of CO2. Plane · Avoiding one return trip to New York and one return trip to Brussels saves over 4400 pounds of carbon emissions Bus · Avoiding one round bus trip from Manchester to Southampton and one round bus trip from Manchester to London saves over 200 pounds of carbon emissions Calculations based on 0.25 pounds of CO2 generated per person per mile by an average bus. The more the bus stops, the higher the carbon emissions.

Route London to Manchester Manchester to Southampton Southampton to London London to New York London to Madrid London to Brussels Traveling Distance 198 miles 223 miles 82 miles 3470 miles 783 miles 200 miles CO2 Emmisions 118.8 pounds of CO2 133.8 pounds of CO2 49.2 pounds of CO2 2082 pounds of CO2 469.8 pounds of CO2 120 pounds of CO2

Route London to Manchester Manchester to Southampton Southampton to London London to Brussels Traveling Distance 198 miles 223 miles 82 miles 82 miles CO2 Emmisions 59.4 pounds of CO2 66.9 pounds of CO2 24.6 pounds of CO2 24.6 pounds of CO2

Calculations based on 0.6 pounds of CO2 generated per person per mile by an average commercial aircraft. Train · Avoiding two round train trips from London to Manchester saves over 230 pounds of carbon emissions

Route London to Manchester Manchester to Southampton Southampton to London Traveling Distance 198 miles 223 miles 82 miles CO2 Emmisions 49.5 pounds of CO2 55.7 pounds of CO2 20.5 pounds of CO2

Calculations based on 0.3 pounds of CO2 generated per person per mile by an average train. However, if you travel on a fully electric train that uses power from nuclear energy, divide your miles by 2 to 4 to get a more accurate carbon calculation.


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