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Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Version 2.0 October 2005
The Electronic Industry Code of Conduct outlines standards to ensure that working conditions in the electronics industry supply chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible.
Considered as part of the electronics industry for purposes of this Code are Original
Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) firms and
Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs) including contracted labor that may design,
market, manufacture and/or provide goods and services that are used to produce electronic goods. The Code may be voluntarily adopted by any business in the electronics sector and subsequently applied by that business to its supply chain and subcontractors.
To adopt the Code and become a participant ( Participant ), a business shall declare its support for the Code and seek to conform to the Code and its standards in accordance with a management system as set forth in the Code.
For the Code to be successful, it is acknowledged that Participants should regard the code as a total supply chain initiative. At a minimum, participants shall require its next tier suppliers to acknowledge and implement the Code.
Fundamental to adopting the Code is the understanding that a business, in all of its activities, must operate in full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the
countries in which it operates. The Code encourages Participants to go beyond legal compliance, drawing upon internationally recognized standards, in order to advance social and environmental responsibility.
The Electronic Industry Code Participants are committed to obtaining regular input from stakeholders in the continued development and implementation of the Electronic
Industry Code of Conduct (EICC).
The Code is made up of five sections. Sections A, B, and C outline standards for Labor,
Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively. Section D outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code. Section E adds standards relating to business ethics.


The Code is not intended to create new and additional third party rights, including for employees



Participants are committed to uphold the human rights of workers, and to treat them with dignity and respect as understood by the international community.
Recognized standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),
Social Accountability International (SAI) and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) were used as references in preparing the Code and may be a useful source of additional information.
The labor standards are:

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