Terms and conditions - Samsung

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (the Terms and Conditions ). Any information or instructions published by the Promoter about the Promotion at www.samsung.com/uk/ form part of the Terms and Conditions.

The Promoter

The Promoter is Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited, Samsung House, 1000 Hillswood Drive,
Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 0PS (the Promoter  or Samsung ).

Promotion Period

The Promotion will commence at 00:01 (GMT) on 9 October 2013 and close at 23:59 (GMT)
on 31 October 2013 (the Promotion Period ). All completed claims must be received no later than 23:59 on 21 November 2013.


Participants who purchase a new (i.e. not second hand) Samsung ecobubble 7kg washing machine (model number WF70F5E2W4W only) (the Promotion Product ) from Currys (the
Participating Retailer ) (whether purchase is made in-store or online) within the Promotion
Period will be entitled to receive a Samsung Camera (model number DV151F) by redemption
(the Reward ).


To be eligible to participate in the Promotion you must be a UK or ROI resident aged 18
years or over.


Employees or agents of the Promoter or their families or households or anyone professionally connected to this Promotion and any group company of the Promoter are not eligible to enter.


The Promotion entitles participants to one Samsung Camera (model number DV151F).


This Promotion is only available to end users (e.g. not to any reseller). Maximum 1 claim per household.

Les promotions

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