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46" All-In-One Outdoor LCD Display Solution

Deliver your message to your customers,
no matter where they are. You can do just that with the Samsung 460DRn-A allin-one outdoor solution. The 460DRn-A
features a 46" high-brightness LCD panel,
built-in air conditioning and protective glass, all in a sleek, durable housing. It s designed to withstand rain, snow, dust,
heat and other harsh environments.
Touch screen functionality and integrated speakers give you further levels of customer interactivity. Communicate with your customers anywhere. The Samsung
460DRn-A all-in-one outdoor solution.

" A durable 46" outdoor display and built-in air conditioning in a sleek,
durable housing
" Extremely high brightness level of
1500 nits for excellent visibility even in bright outdoor environments
" Engineered to withstand harsh outdoor environments
" Built-in air conditioning maintains optimum operating temperatures to ensure longevity
" Touch screen functionality and integrated speakers increase customer interactivity
" Protective glass, shock sensor and camera add security
" Built-in PC with proprietary
MagicInfo Pro-Extension software

46" All-In-One Outdoor LCD Display Solution

An All-In-One Solution
The 460DRn-A panel and a built-in air conditioning unit are encased in a strong, sleek housing. Optimum temperatures are maintained, for continued high performance.

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