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XDCAM Workflow Guide

Final Cut Studio 2 Final Cut Studio 2 is the new standard for HD post-production, with integrated, real-time tools designed to help you deliver beautiful HD programming on impossibly tight deadlines. Start with Final Cut Pro for editing of virtually any format ­ DV, SD, HDV, DVCPRO HD, XDCAM HD, fully uncompressed HD as well as Apple's new ProRes 422 production format. Add 3D motion graphics in real time with Motion, the fastest way to animate and express your creative vision. Sculpt, mix and repair audio using Soundtrack Pro, the only audio application designed from the ground up for HD production work. Finish with Color, the newest addition to the Studio, that allows professional color grading that can elevate the quality of any production. Finally, deliver your finished production in the format of your choice using Compressor.

Supported File Formats

Final Cut Studio 2

MPEG IMX (50/40/30 Mb/s) DVCAM MPEG HD (35/25/18 Mb/s), 50/60i, 25p, 30p, 23.98p

1. Connecting to XDCAM
You can choose two types of XDCAM Professional Disc device to use with Final Cut Pro: XDCAM decks and camcorders, connected through i.LINK to your Mac with File Access Mode (FAM) activated. PDW-U1 stand-alone XDCAM drive, connected through USB 2.0 to your Mac. In both cases, when a Professional disc is inserted into the drive, it will show up in the Finder, just like any other removable storage.

2. Import to Final Cut Pro
Select File>Import>Sony XDCAM... to launch the import window of the XDCAM Transfer application, which will be connected to your Final Cut Pro project. Metadata will be automatically transferred from the XDCAM disc and thumbnails will be generated for each clip; this information is cached on your Mac enabling the disc contents to be viewed while the disc itself is not connected. Optionally, the proxy version of each clip can also be cached on your Mac. The clip metadata includes information about A/V format, bit-rate, number of audio channels and so on.

XDCAM Workflow Guide
Key workflow features of the XDCAM Transfer application are: 1. Frame-accurate preview and sub-clip creation using proxy video 2. Preview of clips and XDCAM clip lists (sequences) 3. Full support for XDCAM essence marks and Final Cut Pro clip markers 4. Full metadata searching capability 5. Direct preview of full-quality material from XDCAM disc (full-screen mode) 6. Metadata logging and write back to XDCAM disc 7. Generation of printable shot lists Once entire or sub-clips have been selected, a single click will transfer the material to the connected Final Cut Pro project. While the transfer takes place, you are able to resume editing within Final Cut Pro - the transferred clips will drop into the project bin in the background. Support for arbitrary XDCAM filenames and title metadata means that the clips will appear in the project bin with easily-recognised names.
Note: Some of the functions described in this document will be available in the October `07 version of XDCAM Transfer Software after IBC2007.


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3. Export back to disc
Once editing of your sequence is complete in Final Cut Pro, the high resolution content may be exported back to Professional Disc media as an XDCAM-compatible MXF file. Alternatively, the MXF file may be written to any connected storage device, for example, a video server. Select File>Export>Sony XDCAM... to open the export window of the XDCAM Transfer application. Here you can select the target location for the exported MXF file, as well as control the settings used during the export process. As with the import operation, once Final Cut Pro has completed any required rendering of your sequence, the transfer to your chosen destination takes place in the background - leaving you free to resume editing.
Note: PDW-U1 Export Function will be implemented in the next available release of the Oct. `07 version of XDCAM Transfer Software. * "XDCAM Transfer Software" is distributed by Sony.

U.S. Contact

Apple Computer
1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone +1 408 974-1010 European Contact European Business Development Phone +44 207 7184 1072 Website
©2007 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved.

Sony Electronics Inc. (U.S.)* Website Sony Europe* Website
"XDCAM Transfer Software for Final Cut Pro" Information is available on the above Web sites.


XDCAM Workflow Guide

Only Avid provides the fastest and most comprehensive XDCAM SD/HD support, tightly linked with the world's best editing tools and most powerful end-to-end production workflow solutions. In the field or the edit suite, Avid editing systems give you the tools to work quickly and efficiently: XDCAM proxy media can be imported much faster than real-time so editing can begin almost immediately, while only the required high-resolution material is imported to complete the project, saving time and disk space. All XDCAM formats in SD and HD are supported natively* and can be mixed and played in a single sequence in real-time, even together with proxy media as well as other supported SD or HD video resolutions. And when the program is finished, it can be written back to the XDCAM disc with a single menu command. With Avid editors attached to an Avid UnityTM MediaNetworkTM or Avid Unity ISISTM system, XDCAM media is instantly available in real-time to editors, journalists and producers. Furthermore, feed room operators, media logging assistants and reviewers can access the XDCAM media from their desktop and contribute without waiting for an edit suite. This is how Avid supports XDCAM and incorporates it into the most efficient end-to-end workflow available, with complete access, flexibility and control at any point.

Avid® NewsCutter® family (version 6.7) Avid Media Composer® family (version 2.7) Avid SymphonyTM Nitris® (version 1.7) Avid Xpress Pro* (version 5.7) Avid LiquidTM family (version 7.2) * Avid Xpress Pro does not support IMX resolutions i.LINK workflow for all supported Avid editors, using File Access Mode

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