MWO Pumpkin Carrot Cake ????? Recipe ... - Samsung

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

MWO Pumpkin Carrot Cake e°f%Y}_i˜-
Recipe by chef l i s a l e o n g
400g shredded radish (Pre-soak in water for 10 minutes, drain)
200g shred pumpkin
Rice flour Mixture:
300g rice flour
40 g tapioca flour
30 g Tang Mein flour
60 g small dried shrimps
150g Chinese sausage, briefly chopped
800ml water (divide into two equal portions)
Shallot oil, for frying (approx. 3 tbsp)
1 Tablespoon Chicken stock powder
2 Teaspoon Salt
2 Tablespoon Sugar
11/2 Teaspoon White Pepper
2 stalks chopped spring onions/ 2 tbsp cut red chili / 4 tbsp MWO fried shallot flakes


Mix the rice flour, tapioca flour and Tang Mein flour with 400ml of water


Microwave the remaining 400ml of water with ½ the amount of the seasoning on HIGH
for 2 minutes. Stir in the hot seasoned stock into the flour mixture and mix well. (HIGH =
100% Energy)/ (MEDIUM = 50% Energy)


In the microwave casserole, cook dried shrimps on HIGH for 3-4 minutes and then add shallot oil, chopped sausage and cook for further 2-3 minutes until crispy and fragrant.


Mix ¾ bowl of water with the remaining ½ portion seasoning and add in the shredded radish and pumpkin. Mix well and return to cook for 5 minutes. (HIGH)


Pour hot pumpkin/radish mixture into the flour batter; mix till it s well incorporated. Pour and divide the batter into a microwave safe dish that is coated with oil. Microwave on
HIGH for about 3-4 minutes. Remove and rinse the surface with water and then return to cook for another 4-5 minutes (MEDIUM) or until the carrot cake are well cooked through.

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