STW-C140GI STWA-C101 - Sony

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Captioning Glasses with Audio Assist

Data Transmitter

Sony s Entertainment Access Glasses
Utilizing Unique Holographic Technology
The movie industry s transformation to digital technology has created an opportunity to efficiently deliver closed caption data to movie patrons. This coincides with large demand from people with hearing difficulties to watch movies more easily and enjoyably. Sony has therefore developed entertainment access glasses utilizing its unique holographic technology: the STW-C140GI
Captioning Glasses with Audio Assist and, as part of this solution, the STWA-C101
Data Transmitter. When wearing this stylish and lightweight see-through eyewear,
users can see closed caption text seemingly superimposed onto the movie picture that they re watching on screen - it s a natural subtitle-movie experience.
In addition, as the captioning glasses  receiver box is equipped with an audio assist function, this solution is useful not only for people with hearing difficulties but also for people with visual impairments - both can enjoy movies far more than ever before.
With Sony s entertainment access glasses, a broader range of the movie-going public can now enjoy exciting movie experiences, and exhibitors can achieve valuable service differentiation while also increasing customer traffic.

Main Features
Holographic Closed Caption

Comfortable Viewing Experience

With Sony s unique holographic technology, closed caption text seemingly floats in the air, at a comfortable distance from a viewer wearing the see-through
STW-C140GI Captioning Glasses, and overlaid on the cinema screen picture. This solution allows patrons to enjoy each movie as if they were watching it with a burn-in subtitle, making Sony s entertainment access glasses ideal for people with hearing impairments.

Sony s entertainment access glasses offer a great movie experience without eye fatigue, enabling patrons to enjoy a movie comfortably for longer than two hours.
Movies can be viewed with clear and crisp subtitles,
even when viewers change their posture (sitting back or sitting forward in their chair) and no matter where they are seated in the auditorium.
" Stylish and lightweight, see-through eyewear
- the glasses weigh approx. 84 g (3 oz); the receiver weighs approx. 89 g (3.1 oz)
" Clear and bright glasses

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