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Solutions For Higher Education
Solutions For Higher Education
18/03/2025 -
The New Logic of Learning SOLUTIONS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Empowering higher education For over 40 years, Logitech has been developing tools that deliver new levels of productivity, connection and collaboration. Our solutions support a connected ecosystem of modern teaching, learning and working environments. They're designed to fit seamlessly into existing rooms, buildings and campus designs and to ensure a simple and intuitive user experience for students, faculty and staff. Sustainability at our core We share in the pursuit to create a more sustainable and equitable educational environment. With a goal to design a better future for all, we consider sustainability at every design stage. Truly...

Tomtom Supplier Code Of Conduct 2023
Tomtom Supplier Code Of Conduct 2023
17/03/2025 -
TOMTOM SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT 1. INTRODUCTION TomTom believes that ethics and innovation go hand-in-hand and integrity is not a nice-to-have, but a must. Therefore, we seek to do business with parties that adhere to the same high standards as we do and require all business partners, including our suppliers, to uphold their responsibilities towards all relevant stakeholders, including the environment, by complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations, industry standards and best practices in all areas referenced in this Supplier Code of Conduct. In particular, we expect our suppliers to abide by a high standard of business ethics and sustainability. We also expect them to support environmental,...

En Us Bm4t00 Energylabel1 Bm4t00 En Us20230113 135747 234
En Us Bm4t00 Energylabel1 Bm4t00 En Us20230113 135747 234
16/03/2025 -
GRUNDIG 65 GHU 7800 B BM4T00 A B C D E F G 100 kWh/1000h 105 kWh /1000h 3840 px 2019/2013 BM4T836-KV 2160 px m 4c  65 16

En US BM2T00 ENERGYLABEL1 BM2T00 En US20230113 135746 916
En US BM2T00 ENERGYLABEL1 BM2T00 En US20230113 135746 916
16/03/2025 -
GRUNDIG 55 GHU 7800 B BM2T00 A B C D E F G 77 kWh/1000h 80 kWh /1000h 3840 px 2019/2013 BM2T836-KV 2160 px m 9c  55 13

En US BL9T00 ENERGYLABEL1 BL9T00 En US20230113 135746 669
En US BL9T00 ENERGYLABEL1 BL9T00 En US20230113 135746 669
16/03/2025 -
GRUNDIG 50 GHU 7800 B BL9T00 A B C D E F G 64 kWh/1000h 65 kWh /1000h 3840 px 2019/2013 BL9T836-KV 2160 px m 6c  50 12

En US BL4T00 ENERGYLABEL1 BL4T00 En US20230113 135746 392
En US BL4T00 ENERGYLABEL1 BL4T00 En US20230113 135746 392
16/03/2025 -
GRUNDIG 43 GHU 7800 B BL4T00 A B C D E F G 55 kWh/1000h 58 kWh /1000h 3840 px 2019/2013 BL4T836-KV 2160 px m 8c  43 10

Consolerepairs Privacypolicy Ptpt
Consolerepairs Privacypolicy Ptpt
16/03/2025 -
Nintendo of Europe SE Sucursal em Espanha C / Est?banez Calder?n, N? 3-5 Edificio Discovery, Planta 6? 28020 Madrid Espanha POL?TICA DE PRIVACIDADE DOS SERVI?OS DE REPARA??O DA NINTENDO Esta Pol?tica de Privacidade aplica-se ? utiliza??o do Portal de Repara??o Nintendo a funcionar neste site por parte da Nintendo of Europe SE ("Nintendo", "n?s", "nos"), Goldsteinstrasse 235, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Alemanha, e ao processamento de servi?os de repara??o. A Nintendo ? a respons?vel pelo tratamento como indicado no Regulamento Geral de Prote??o de Dados (Regulamento (UE) 2016/679 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 27 de abril de 2016  RGPD ). A Nintendo respeita os direitos de privacidade...

3ds Family Pdf Table Frfr
3ds Family Pdf Table Frfr
16/03/2025 -
Compatible avec les jeux Nintendo 3DS 3 uniquement en 2D 3 en 2D et en 3D 3 en 2D et en 3D Compatible avec les jeux Nintendo DS 3 3 3 ?crans ?cran sup?rieur : ?cran large ? cristaux liquides ?cran inf?rieur : ?cran tactile ? cristaux liquides ?cran sup?rieur : ?cran large ? cristaux liquides ?cran inf?rieur : ?cran tactile ? cristaux liquides ?cran sup?rieur : ?cran large ? cristaux liquides ?cran inf?rieur : ?cran tactile ? cristaux liquides ?cran sup?rieur : 3,53 pouces ?cran inf?rieur : 3,02 pouces ?cran sup?rieur : 3,53 pouces ?cran inf?rieur : 3,02 pouces ?cran sup?rieur : 4,88 pouces ?cran inf?rieur : 4,18 pouces Dimension des ?crans Conception Non-pliable Pliable Pliable Carte...

En Us Glr7811 202106161713499 Declraration Of Conformityen Gb
En Us Glr7811 202106161713499 Declraration Of Conformityen Gb
16/03/2025 -
EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 1. Name and address of the manufacturer Name of the Manufacturer Address of the Manufacturer Contact information of the Manufacturer Authorized Person of the Manufacturer : Ar?elik A.^. : Karaaa? Cad.No:2-6 S?tl?ce 34445 0stanbul TURKIYE : Phone +90 212 314 3434 & Fax +90 212 314 3463 : Arif Zafer ?ZARSLAN 2. Concerning the European directives and regulations for electrical and electronic equipment listed in this document, We, Ar?elik A.^., hereby declare and take the sole responsibility that the product below, to which this declaration is involved, 3. Type of Product : Bluetooth Speaker 4. Radio equipment/ product/ model no/ brand name(product,...

Fr FR 7182483410 ENERGYLABEL1 7182483410 Fr FR20220713 213711 787
Fr FR 7182483410 ENERGYLABEL1 7182483410 Fr FR20220713 213711 787
16/03/2025 -
GT55811D 561 kWh/annum 392/2012 142 8.0 65 min/cycle* kg dB

Es Es 7278446990 Energylabeleu2021 7278446990 Es Es20230306 131931 349
Es Es 7278446990 Energylabeleu2021 7278446990 Es Es20230306 131931 349
16/03/2025 -
GRUNDIG GFPN 66820 X 7278446990 250 286 34

En US 7278446318 202208160847694 ENERGY LABEL EU 2021 EPen US
En US 7278446318 202208160847694 ENERGY LABEL EU 2021 EPen US
16/03/2025 -
GRUNDIG GFRN 66820 7278446318 250 286 34

Stations De Reparation 2023 1
Stations De Reparation 2023 1
15/03/2025 -
STATIONS DE REPARATION ENSEIGNE ADRESSE CODE POSTAL VILLE TELEPHONE COMPAGNIE DU SAV Sarl SIDEM - 0 826 622 622 37 Rue Philippe Lebon 81000 FRANCE ENTIERE ALBI 05 63 46 15 00 DEPANNAGE SERVICE LMT DEPANNAGE 14 rue Claude Bernard 61000 ALENCON 02 33 82 09 09 12 place de la republique 33440 06 58 24 74 23

210583c9 Bb86 11ef B37f C229bdeea075 Feed File
210583c9 Bb86 11ef B37f C229bdeea075 Feed File
15/03/2025 -
-CONDITIONS G?N?RALES DE VENTE ET DE PRESTATION DE SERVICES , - es , -pr?sentes , -conditions , -g?n?rales , -vous , -informent , -des , -modalit?s , -(Conditions) , -selon , -lesquelles , L -nous , -(i) , -vendons , -des , -appareils , -?lectrom?nagers , -et , -des , -accessoires, , -(ci-apr?s , -d?nomm?s , -Produit(s)), , -et , -(ii) , -vous , -fournissons , -des , -services , -pouvant , -inclure , -la , -livraison , -ou , -la , -livraison , -et , -l'installation , -ou , -les , -r?parations , -(Services) , -?num?r?s , -sur , -notre , -site , -Web , -: , , -(le , -Site). , - es , -pr?sentes , -Conditions , -s'appliquent , -? , -tout , -contrat , -conclu , -entre , -nous,...

5485218d F9a1 11ef B37f E948937e8115 Feed File
5485218d F9a1 11ef B37f E948937e8115 Feed File
15/03/2025 -
Derni?re Mise ? jour : 11/02/2025 CONDITIONS G?N?RALES DE SERVICE (r?paration d'appareils ?l?ctrom?nager) Les pr?sentes Conditions G?n?rales s'appliquent ? toute demande d'intervention et de r?paration ? domicile (ci-apr?s le(s) ? Service(s) ?) initi?e par un particulier ?g? d'au moins 18 ans (ci-apr?s le ? Client ?) aupr?s du service apr?s-vente de European Appliances France SAS relativement ?: - un appareil ?lectrom?nager ? usage domestique (ci-apr?s l' Appareil ) - aux marques du Groupe European Appliances (Whirlpool, Hotpoint, Indesit) ou une autre marque o? European Appliances est habilit? ? intervenir. - applicable dans une zone g?ographique limit?e ? la France continentale et ? la...

Regulations Products Made Of Wood
Regulations Products Made Of Wood
14/03/2025 -
Established: February 1, 2010 Revised: April 1, 2021 Scope and requirements of Regulations for Ricoh Group products made of wood 0Purpose0 From the viewpoint of global environmental conservation and biodiversity protection, this provision shall be established to confirm that the wooden raw materials used in Ricoh brand products and their accessories are legally obtained with consideration for the sustainability of the place of origin in environmental and social aspects prior to the decision of procurement. 0Scope0 It shall apply to paper products marketed under the Ricoh Group brand (PPC paper, thermal paper, etc.) as well as materials made of wood, which accompany Ricoh Group products...

Ricoh Group Biodiversity Policy English
Ricoh Group Biodiversity Policy English
14/03/2025 -
Date of enactment? March 2009 Revised: August 2024 Ricoh Group Biodiversity Policy Basic Policy We recognize that while we enjoy the benefits of biodiversity, our business activities also have an impact on it. As such, we actively work towards realizing a society living in harmony with nature. We also work on the conservation of biodiversity, with the understanding that biodiversity, climate change, and resource use all mutually influence each other. 1. Initiatives to Address This Management Issue The conservation of biodiversity is an essential management issue for the survival of the Company. Through the Ricoh Group's technologies and businesses, we contribute to the realization of nature-positive outcomes.* 2. Identifying...

Implementation Of Esg Audits
Implementation Of Esg Audits
14/03/2025 -
Implementation of ESG Audits High -risk On-site audit needed Reconfirmation of answers START No need for on-site audits SAQ Risk Assessment Moderate -risk Low -risk 24/06/2024 Reconfirmation of answers Feed Back Version: [###] Classification: Internal Owner: [Insert name] on-site audit Corrective Action Plan & Action Follow-up Audits Feed Back Reconfirmation at next SAQ Feed Back

Agreementform Of Supplier Code Of Conduct Chinese
Agreementform Of Supplier Code Of Conduct Chinese
14/03/2025 -
???^T ^v?MT tQI??V?O?^?UFT?TOOO4?LN:Q?R tQI??V?N:NO?^?UFT?TOOO4v?QqT S?Uf/???v?? ^vR?R?g?^?rbV?v?O?N?Qs|?T??gTO Qs|?? RN?ONy>O?#N?v????`'? ^v???S?Tl??R?m?t??0?R?O?^?UFT?TOOO4T?tQIQqT R? R?N?[?s?? xnO?[?Qhv?]?Os?X?? ??TX]?^v~?N?TX]??oY}v?_??G? ^vN?TNN?S_?T?[?s?X???#v?e? __U]?O 2019^t11g? tQIR?QeN??#N?UFN?Tv?~?~??RBA? 0 RBAf/NN*ON?Tv?? e?W(OÏ?QhtO?^???N-v?ONy>O?#N?0tQI??V? ??RBAv?QqT v?hT?|? y^? R?R???u(T?[?e-RBATQvN?~?v?e?l?T?bKl?? ^vTO?^?UFT?TOOO4RN?OSs?N?RBAt_?v??LN:Q? R0 tQI??V?SNn?N?N;??V??EN?gChQ?v?RBA?LN:Q?RN:tQI??V?O?^?UFT?TOOO4?LN:Q?R? ??O? ^?UFT?TOOO4?u_?g,?LN:Q?R? N:O??NN>c?f?R?R[?g eH? ??c?N?u1??#N?{~rv?0 ?LN:Q?RSO ??xn??Nf0 0 tQIQlS? NNg R???...

Agreementform Of Supplier Code Of Conduct Japanese
Agreementform Of Supplier Code Of Conduct Japanese
14/03/2025 -
0?0?0?0?0?0?0? 0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0??LR??{?0x0n 0T??T 0h0TSTR?0n0J?X0D 0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0o00?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0nv?i?0h0nv?N?v?0jvzU0L???0h?0H0_7V?0jO

Agreementform Of Supplier Code Of Conduct English
Agreementform Of Supplier Code Of Conduct English
14/03/2025 -
Request for agreement to and cooperation with the Ricoh Group Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct Ricoh Group believes that mutual development with suppliers and partners is important. Ricoh Group shares the importance of CSR with them and is striving to deepen understanding through interactive communication while building strong relationships of trust and long-term cooperation. Hence, Ricoh Group would like our suppliers and partners to work together to ensure a safe working environment, promote dignity and respect for all our workers, fulfill environmental responsibilities, and conduct business in an ethical manner. In November 2019, Ricoh joined the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance)....

Brio 305 Datasheet
Brio 305 Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET BRIO 305 Meet the essential webcam for better video meetings. Brio 305 is a 1080p webcam with auto light correction and a noise-reducing mic for natural video and audio, plus an integrated privacy shutter. Certified for leading meeting platforms and priced for mass deployment. Give employees a simple-to-use webcam for better video collaboration. Brio 305 is a 1080p webcam certified for Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Meet for a reliable meeting experience. Full high definition video, auto light correction and a noise reducing mic ensure that everyone is seen and heard clearly. An easy-to-use privacy shutter covers the lens when not in use. Made by the market leader in webcams1,...

14/03/2025 -
SMALL GROUPS. BIG POTENTIAL. Logitech ConferenceCam BCC950 Small group video conferencing deserves more than huddling around PC webcams or begging for time on overbooked conference room systems. The ConferenceCam BCC950 combines high quality HD video and crystal clear audio in a simple, amazingly affordable package, so small groups can run their own video conferences anywhere in the office. Designed with small groups in mind, ConferenceCam BCC950 is an all-in-one video and audio conferencing device ideal for huddle rooms, private offices and small conference spaces. With professional HD video and crystal clear audio, small groups up to 4 can be seen and heard so no one in the meeting is out...

C920e Datasheet
C920e Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET C920E HD WEBCAM HD Video. Incredible Price. C920e is a work-from-anywhere webcam that delivers HD video meetings that look and sound better than most laptop builtins at a price point that's ideal for mass deployment. The 78? diagonal field of view displays individual users in a wellbalanced visual frame while two integrated omnidirectional mics1 can be enabled to capture audio clearly from up to one meter away. Built-in HD autofocus ensures you're seen clearly when on camera, while a detachable privacy screen flips up and down to cover or expose the lens. C920e is certified for Microsoft Teams? and Zoom!" and compatible with other popular applications include BlueJeans, Cisco Webex?,...

Group Datasheet
Group Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DESIGNED FOR BIG ROOMS AND EVEN BIGGER IDEAS. Logitech GROUP GROUP, the amazingly affordable video conferencing system for mid to large-size conference rooms, allows any meeting place to be a video collaboration space. It's as simple to use as a mobile phone and affordable as an office chair, now it's easier than ever to include anyone in the conversation. USB plug-and-play connectivity makes GROUP a breeze to deploy and use. It even works within your own familiar computing environment with any video conferencing software application  including the ones you already use. Razor sharp video and a beautifully designed full-duplex speakerphone deliver an out? standing collaboration experience...

Msft Teams Rooms On Android
Msft Teams Rooms On Android
14/03/2025 -
ANDROID DATA SHEET LOGITECH SOLUTIONS FOR MICROSOFT TEAMS ROOMS ON ANDROID Easily turn any space into a Microsoft SIMPLE MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS FOR EVERY SPACE Teams Room with one-touch join, and a consistent meeting experience Logitech for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android include an Ultra-HD Logitech conferencecam with motorized pan and tilt, RightSense!" technologies, and the across rooms with Tap IP. Logitech? Tap IP touch controller for any room size or shape. Support for Microsoft solutions for Microsoft Teams Rooms Logitech Teams Rooms on Android means set up is remarkably simple with no need for a PC or Mac. Plus, device management has never been easier through the on Android are preconfigured...

14/03/2025 -
PC DATA SHEET LOGITECH SOLUTIONS FOR ZOOM ROOMS Transform any space into a Zoom Room with one-touch join, one-click direct share, and a consistent meeting experience with Logitech Tap IP. Logitech? room solutions are available in small to extra-large configurations with accessories to suit each space. PRE-CONFIGURED VIDEO CONFERENCING FOR MEETING ROOMS Logitech Room Solutions for Zoom include everything you need to build out meeting rooms of virtually any size or shape a mini PC, a PC mount, an Ultra-HD Logitech conferencecam with RightSense!" technologies, and the Logitech Tap IP touch controller. Plus, device management has never been easier through the Zoom Dashboard or Logitech Sync. Systems...

Zone Vibe Wireless Datasheet
Zone Vibe Wireless Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET ZONE VIBE WIRELESS The over-the-ear, wireless headphones designed for video conferencing and beyond. Noisecanceling mic captures your voice for an engaging meeting experience. The partner-certified headset is as feature rich as it is stylish. Logitech Zone Vibe Wireless was made for today's hybrid work environments. With crystal-clear sound, reliable audio connection, and an advanced noise-canceling mic, this professional headset ensures you are heard clearly and naturally. Comfort and practicality converge to bring you a headset that goes where you go, as long as you need it to. Zone Vibe Wireless is lightweight yet delivers up to 18 hours of talk time1 on a single charge. Three...

C925e Datasheet
C925e Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET C925E BUSINESS WEBCAM High-Quality Meetings with H.264 Support. Designed for business, C925e works seamlessly with popular cloud conferencing providers to empower your team to collaborate with smooth, HD 1080p video calls from any location. C925e provides a 78? diagonal field of view, HD autofocus and auto light correction that adjusts visual quality intelligently; dual omnidirectional mics capture audio clearly up to one meter away. Powered by the UVC H.264 encoding technology, C925e ensures a consistently smooth video stream even when bandwidth is limited. C925e is certified for Microsoft Teams? and Skype!" for Business, and works with other popular applications including BlueJeans,...

C505e Datasheet
C505e Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET C505E HD WEBCAM Step up from built-in laptop optics with the Logitech? C505e business webcam that delivers crisp, smooth and colorful widescreen HD 720p video at a budget-friendly price point that makes office life much easier. C505e provides a 60? diagonal field of view, fixed focus and auto light correction that adjusts illumination of most spaces; one omnidirectional mic supports clear conversation up to 3 meters away. The extra-long USB-A cable and universal clip provides a wide range of versatile mounting options. Secure it on a screen or mount it up to 7 ft (2m) away from your computer. C505e works with all popular video applications, including Microsoft? Teams, Skype!" for...

Brio Datasheet
Brio Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET BRIO ULTRA HD PRO BUSINESS WEBCAM 4K HD Video Collaboration Excellence. Designed for professional video meetings, BRIO delivers ultra 4K HD video with RightLight!" 3, HDR, high frame rates and outstanding low-light performance that power teams to collaborate and gain speed to decision-making through highquality meeting experiences. BRIO provides three field of view presets with 5x HD zoom in spectacular 4K resolution. Select 65? for more focused communication or widen the scope to 78? or 90? to capture more of your workspace. RightLight!" 3 with HDR helps you look best in any illumination, with advanced Logitech optics delivering razor-sharp video resolution with autofocus. Brio...

Meetup Datasheet
Meetup Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
SUPER-WIDE FIELD OF VIEW FOR SMALL SPACES. Logitech MeetUp Logitech? MeetUp is a premier ConferenceCam designed for small conference rooms and huddle rooms. With a room capturing, superwide 120? field of view, MeetUp makes every seat at the table clearly visible. Motorized pan/tilt widens FOV even further: up to 175?. A low-distortion Logitech-engineered lens, Ultra HD 4K optics, and three camera presets deliver remarkable video quality and further enhance face-to-face collaboration. MeetUp's integrated audio is optimized for huddle room acoustics and delivers an exceptional sound experience. Three horizontally-aimed beamforming mics and a custom-tuned speaker help ensure your meetings sound...

H650e Headset Datasheet
H650e Headset Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET H650E HEADSET Enjoy USB plug-and-play connectivity using a flat, no-tangle cable. H650e delivers clear audio with features such as acoustic echo cancellation and a noise-canceling mic. It's all intended to make your calls as productive and comfortable as possible. "E  nterprise-grade audio: With digital signal processing, acoustic echo cancellation, and noise-canceling mic, you can hear and be heard in noisy workspaces. " Intuitive in-line controls: Easily answer or end calls, adjust volume, and mute/unmute calls at your fingertips. "O  n-call busy light: The LED indicator on the backside of the boom provides a visual alert to those behind you that you are on a call. "N ...

Zone Wired Uc Datasheet
Zone Wired Uc Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET ZONE WIRED HEADSETS Designed for busy open workspaces, Logitech? Zone Wired is a USB headset that delivers premium audio and reliable call clarity with advanced noise-canceling mic technology. Additionally it is lightweight, stylish, and super comfortable for all-day use. Zone Wired works with common calling applications across almost all platforms and operating systems. Noise-canceling dual mic technology accurately suppresses distracting sounds like keyboard clicks and nearby voices as close as 60 cm away. Durable, reliable and simple to use with intuitive in-line controls always at your fingertips on the tangle-free cable to mute, adjust volume, answer/end/reject calls, and play/pause...

Zone Wired Earbuds
Zone Wired Earbuds
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET ZONE WIRED EARBUDS Look and sound your best on video calls with Logitech? Zone Wired Earbuds. Certified advanced noise-canceling mic technology clearly captures your voice to make meetings better while highquality sound helps you stay in the zone wherever you work. Zone Wired Earbuds works with common calling applications across almost all platforms and operating systems. Boomless and beautifully designed, two beamforming mics positioned on the left earbud exclusively focus on your voice and suppress unwanted sounds. Connect Zone Wired Earbuds to your smartphone1, tablet1 or computer1 with plug-and-play simplicity and reliability. A sleek and simple inline controller provides fingertip...

C930e Datasheet
C930e Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET C930E BUSINESS WEBCAM Reliable Video. Enhanced Collaboration. With H.264 support and an extended diagonal field of view, C930e delivers professional audio visual quality in virtually any environment to elevate team productivity. The extended 90? diagonal field of view displays individual users and their workspace in a perfect visual frame while two integrated omnidirectional mics capture audio clearly up to one meter away. 4X digital zoom at 1080p and H. 264 video compression ensure smooth video with the highest level of detail. C930e is certified for Microsoft Teams? and Skype!" for Business, and works with other popular applications including BlueJeans, Cisco Webex!", Fuze, Google...

Zone Wireless Datasheet
Zone Wireless Datasheet
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET ZONE WIRELESS HEADSETS Open workspaces are great for collaboration, but they can also be noisy. Take control of your acoustic environment with Logitech? Zone Wireless, the wireless headset specifically designed to enhance focus and productivity in busy workspaces. Logitech Zone Wireless and Zone Wireless Plus help you define your workplace soundscape and get stuff done. Designed for talking and music, easily transition between video conferencing, music, and general noise reduction throughout your day. To make communication effortless, Zone Wireless is also equipped with a noise-canceling microphone, ensuring your voice is heard on the other end not the noise around you. Connect...

Rally Accessories
Rally Accessories
14/03/2025 -
DATA SHEET RALLY ACCESSORIES Logitech Rally family includes a full suite of accessories to accommodate a wide range of room sizes and configurations. Multiple mounting, mic, and speaker options provide the convenience of conferencing solutions at scale. ACCESSORIES TO SUIT EVERY MEETING SPACE Logitech Rally Bar Mini, Rally Bar, and Rally offer premier video collaboration solutions for all room shapes and sizes. Simple, versatile, and meticulously designed for scale, the Rally all-in-one video bars and the modular Rally system offer clutter-free cable management, multiple mounting, mic and speaker options, and the flexibility to deploy in USB or appliance mode. Add Rally accessories to create...

Zone True Wireless Earbuds
Zone True Wireless Earbuds
14/03/2025 -
DATASHEET ZONE TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS Stay focused and in the zone with Zone True Wireless Bluetooth? earbuds. The certified noisecanceling mics, hybrid ANC and immersive sound are ideal for collaboration in busy workspaces without compromising on the quality, productivity or creativity. Logitech Zone True Wireless delivers immersive experiences that help you sound clear, stay connected and confident. Three mics in each earbud (6 total) distinguish your voice from other sounds through a combination of advanced beamforming, cascaded noise reduction and dynamic processing so your voice always sounds clear no matter your surroundings. Connect to a smartphone and computer simultaneously via Bluetooth?....

Headset Portfolio
Headset Portfolio
14/03/2025 -
Logitech business headsets - wired Hybrid work requires solutions designed for all types of users and work environments. Regardless of your style or connectivity preference, Logitech business headset portfolio has a device that works the way you do. Logitech headsets and earbuds are designed to work seamlessly with leading video conferencing platforms, giving you an enhanced video collaboration experience. H570e Product Name Teams version H650e UC version 1 (USB-A) Connectivity Range 6.2 ft / 1.9 m cable length 6.9 ft / 2.1 m cable length System compatibility Audio quality 30 mm driver with Dynamic EQ 32 mm driver with Dynamic EQ 3 (3.5mm jack1, USB-C, USB-A2) 2 (USB-C, USB-A2) 4.8...

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